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Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:11 pm Post subject: Re: Bug Update
mow wrote:
I have been in contact with Satmap Tech Support over this issue.
I was told that following the last part of the installation was vital i.e.
“Important - to complete the upgrade please disconnect the Active 10 from your computer and then go to the Main Menu, press the Settings button, press the Default button, press the Yes button and finally press the Clear All button.”
This I tried several times and yes all worked until I turned the unit off and then rebooted when the freezing re occurred.
I have most recently been instructed to re load the version 1.4 and new platform via the SD card and then undertake the "clear all" instruction as per the final instruction on the download page. Then immediately download the soft ware update from their web site and undertake the install again, remembering the all important “clear all” part.
Result again all OK ,no freezing until the unit was turned off and then on again and back comes the freeze exiting any change made in the “Set Trip Data”.
The end result is a freeze showing “Loading Information Please Wait”
The unit has now been recalled to Satmap
Update to follow
OK My unit has now been returned by Satmap (by my request)
They have found a problem in some units with freezing in the "set trip data" option
They say they have now found a solution and I (and others) will be able to download new version soon. (how soon is soon we will see)
PS I've just read that they run their own cm national network called OS Net. It sounds like it's an augmentation sytem like EGNOS though, correcting GPS signals rather than offering a direct triangulation service.
Anyone know any more?
As I understand it (and I might well be wrong) the OS use a network of fixed gps receivers which the field ones are link to by radio. As they know the precise location of a fixed station, if the gps says it is 10 metres north of the known position say, then they know that the field unit will also be reporting a location 10m north of its real location. Therefore they can apply the correction to the field unit and get an accurate location, which I believe is down to about 5cm.
Joined: Dec 11, 2006 Posts: 93 Location: Lincolnshire, England.
Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:28 pm Post subject:
davidor wrote:
As I understand it (and I might well be wrong) the OS use a network of fixed gps receivers which the field ones are link to by radio. As they know the precise location of a fixed station, if the gps says it is 10 metres north of the known position say, then they know that the field unit will also be reporting a location 10m north of its real location. Therefore they can apply the correction to the field unit and get an accurate location, which I believe is down to about 5cm.
It seems that differential GPS and augmentation system are interchangeable terms. I thought that things like the OS Net actually triangulated from the base stations (as if they were GPS satellites with fixed positions) and that this was called differential GPS. It apparently is an augmentation system similar to EGNOS, albeit a localised, denser, terrestial and much more accurate one. EGNOS comprises a wider-spaced pan-european ground-station network and is an SBAS (satellite-based augmentation system), although it can be distributed by internet too.
I'm trying to find out more about the OS Net, be interested to find out how it achieves its sub-5cm accuracy. _________________ planet nine
Lincoln, UK.
'm trying to find out more about the OS Net, be interested to find out how it achieves its sub-5cm accuracy.
I've just been having a look at the OS site. Amongst other bits I found this:
"By downloading data from the OS Active GPS network via the Internet, and processing this with your own GPS data, you can obtain precise ETRS89 coordinates of your GPS survey stations. Accuracies as high as 1 cm (horizontal) are possible anywhere in Great Britain, and 5 cm horizontal accuracy is routine, using dual-frequency GPS survey equipment and observation periods up to 1 hour (depending on local conditions and the distance to OS Active stations). Vertical accuracy is usually 2-3 times worse than horizontal accuracy, depending on several factors, including the software used."
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