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Dave Frequent Visitor

Joined: Sep 10, 2003 Posts: 6460 Location: UK
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:08 pm Post subject: Adding Safety Camera Support to Navman Products |
Since the October release of the Safety Cameras, instructions have now changed for Navman users running V3 software which includes the V3 software itself (not yet released), iCN510, iCN635 and iCN650.
These instructions can be found here. |
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Brains Occasional Visitor

Joined: Dec 03, 2004 Posts: 5
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:15 pm Post subject: NavMan ST v2? |
Tell me; is it possible - but not yet, or just not possible to get your wonderful Safety Camera Database into SmartST v2?
I'm about to get serious about a BT GPS and I'd to miss out on this facility by buying the wrong version.
Brains |
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Tim Buxton Pocket GPS Moderator

Joined: 14/09/2002 20:56:18 Posts: 5231 Location: Surrey, United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:34 pm Post subject: |
I'm not Dave, but I can still tell you; the $afety Camera Database is not compatible with V2 of SmartST. It is compatible with V3 though, which if you check out this page on the Navman Store website, you'll see that they will be shipping the Navman BT device with SmartST V3 in January. I'd say to hold off until then. _________________ Tim |
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Dave Frequent Visitor

Joined: Sep 10, 2003 Posts: 6460 Location: UK
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:32 am Post subject: |
I would also add that Navman's PPC Software historically since the release of SmartST V1 and V2 have always been released as a software only and upgradable version in Jan/Feb of each year, so to look at past experiences, I think most would expect the V3 software to be released around the same time. |
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ziggy Occasional Visitor

Joined: Mar 07, 2004 Posts: 23 Location: Ringwood, Hampshire, UK
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tcs17_tim Lifetime Member

Joined: 30/12/2002 21:41:31 Posts: 130 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:09 am Post subject: |
Looking at that Navman coming son page, what does PiN mean and what is the implication of GPS4410?
Will I be able to get this a piece of software to run on my old 3870 with Navman sleeve? |
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icsys Frequent Visitor

Joined: Feb 20, 2004 Posts: 1154 Location: South Lancashire, UK
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:17 am Post subject: |
PiN is the dedicated PPC with pre-installed SmartST as shown here
GPS4410 is the product number for v2 software and maps for other PPC's
As the software is the same on both (the PiN is a PPC) they are listed together. _________________ Ian.
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
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icsys Frequent Visitor

Joined: Feb 20, 2004 Posts: 1154 Location: South Lancashire, UK
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:27 am Post subject: |
Oh.... I should have added... you can run the v3 software on your 3870 _________________ Ian.
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
TomTom GO
Anquet OS mapping
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tcs17_tim Lifetime Member

Joined: 30/12/2002 21:41:31 Posts: 130 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:16 pm Post subject: |
aha, thanks, I'll keep an eye out for it being released in that case. |
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dununda Occasional Visitor

Joined: Jan 29, 2005 Posts: 56 Location: STRAYA
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:14 am Post subject: |
Cuppla Questions...
1) Can Active POIs (Speed Cams etc) be simply copied between different SmartST3 users SD cards?
I have a Palm and my friend has a PPC/PIN. He is a MAC user so has to scrounge a PC to install maps and POIs. If I copy the contents of my
folder and get him to put it in the equivalent folder on his PPC would that work? Also would be simpler than him learning how to import POIs and BMPs.
2) Should I expect to see visual or sound warnings approaching Active POIs in Route Demo mode? Because currently I do not get them.
Tia.. _________________ BT77 GPS
Palm T3
Navman SmartST v3.0 |
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icsys Frequent Visitor

Joined: Feb 20, 2004 Posts: 1154 Location: South Lancashire, UK
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:23 am Post subject: |
As regards Q1,
On the PPC/PiN the location for the Camera POI file is:
/program files/Navman/Smart ST Pro/MYPOI/
There will be four files .bm .chk .map and a config file with no extension.
I can think of only one reason why it may not work and that is if your files are Palm OS specific. If yours have the same extensions it may work, the best way to find out is to try it.
As regards Q2,
In demo mode you should get both the visual and sound warnings if your demo route takes you past an active POI. _________________ Ian.
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
TomTom GO
Anquet OS mapping
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dununda Occasional Visitor

Joined: Jan 29, 2005 Posts: 56 Location: STRAYA
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:40 am Post subject: |
My four POI files on the PALM OS have the same names and extension except for the config file which has the extension *.ini. It contains the basic settings from the ActivePoi setup screen.
I guess yours will be similar. Am waiting to hear back from my friend to see if the transfer from my Palm to his PPC worked.
Got the visual and sound alerts to go off, after moving my activePOI right onto a road. It was on the edge of the road and did not trigger.
Thanks for the tips. _________________ BT77 GPS
Palm T3
Navman SmartST v3.0 |
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ArchieB Occasional Visitor

Joined: Nov 29, 2005 Posts: 5
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:11 am Post subject: Audio warnings on the PIN 570 |
I am very new to all this but I am really pleased with my 570.
I have added the speed camera database which is working fine. When transfering to my 570 from SmartST desktop I added my chosen icon file which again works fine. However I can only get a chime type audio warning and can not find any option to use the "Warning Gasto" files.
Can I do this on the 570?
Also I would really like to change the screen orientation from portrait to landscape but the Settings/System/Screen area does not offer an orientation choice? Again is this possible on the 570? |
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Tim Buxton Pocket GPS Moderator

Joined: 14/09/2002 20:56:18 Posts: 5231 Location: Surrey, United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:06 am Post subject: |
There is no way to use the "Warning Gatso" files with the SmartST software. You can, however, change the chime for something of your choice. I use a siren called 'Car alarm'. To do this, locate the file called cosmicl.wav on your PiN (look in Program Files\Navman\Sound) and rename. Then put your chosen .wav file into the same directory and rename it to cosmicl.wav. You will still only get one warning sound for all of your custom POIs, but at least it will be one of your choice.
The PiN570 shipped with WM2003, not 2003SE, and SmartST doesn't have the screen rotation facility built in, so the only way to do this would be with the help of a third party application such as NYDITOT. I'm not sure how successful this approach would be; processor speed and memory limitations might make it unusable. _________________ Tim |
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ArchieB Occasional Visitor

Joined: Nov 29, 2005 Posts: 5
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:25 am Post subject: |
Thanks for the reply. Using File Explorer on my 570 I don't have a Sound folder in Program Files / Navman. The folders I do have are
None of which contain any .wav files The chime however is still working. The only .wav files I can find are in My Documents and are those I have downloaded to try and replace the chime. |
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