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Is there anyway that the app can be set to use "offline" maps rather than having to have an active data connection to download maps continually ?? Not only would this save data allowance (small but not insignificant), but in regions with a poor/non-existent mobile data connection, the map would not simply go all fuzzy or disappear completely as it does now. Regards E
Joined: Jul 02, 2015 Posts: 17 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:54 pm Post subject: Re: Enhancement requests
Hi all
Not sure if possible....but, you have got to ask..
In Australia we have school zones at certain times ( 8am-9.30am and 2.30pm-4pm) and several locations there are fixed cameras that adjust the speed limit during this time ie 40km. If outside these times, the camera will revert to the original speed limit ie 60km.
Using this app at present I receive a warning - "variable speed camera ahead"
What would be great if the times, with speed could be inputted...
ie from 8am-9.30am this camera warns "school zone - 40 kms per hour" then outside these times "fixed speed camera ahead- 60 kms per hour ahead"
I have noticed that in the UK you guys have Variable Speed Cameras, but I cannot see if you have timed speed cameras
Anyway just an idea to make this great app better! _________________ Tomtom Go2050,Parrot smart Asteroid, TomTom Go520
Joined: 30/12/2002 17:36:20 Posts: 4919 Location: Oxfordshire, England, UK
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:59 pm Post subject: Re: Enhancement requests
JPV wrote:
I have noticed that in the UK you guys have Variable Speed Cameras, but I cannot see if you have timed speed cameras.
In the UK, variable speed cameras are generally found on "smart" motorways such as the M25 etc. The speed limit signs are matrix boards that change (reduce) the speed limit from NSL (National Speed Limit, i.e. 70mph for cars that are not towing) to a lower speed limit if there is congestion. The idea is that a reduced speed keeps the traffic moving and reduces the stop/start which cause jams.
Timed speeds for school zones is a great idea, and whilst almost anything is possible it would probably take a lot of coding of the master database and also the CamerAlert App. You'd have to have the two speeds, the four hhmm i.e. one for each time the speed limit changes, and also the days (of the week) that the speed limit changes.
I'll let MaFt answer this one!
Regards, _________________ Robert.
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
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