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Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:39 pm Post subject: 3598LMT-D using software v4.80
Since I upgraded my 3598 to software v4.80 (using Garmin Express my POIs and speed camera alerts do not appear immediately (as they previously did) when I activate the unit. They do appear after a few minutes, which I find odd; I can't see what triggers their appearance, apart from the time delay. Perhaps that is Garmin's intention. In addition, the driving simulator also sometimes does not appear now, or - if it does - it remains in a fixed position with a speed of 0 mph! Is this, perhaps, an early April Fool gift from Garmin? _________________ Dabri.
Navman iCN530T; Garmin 760T v4.80; Garmin 765T v4.00; Garmin 2460LMT v3.60; Samsung S3;
Garmin 3598LMT-D v5.50; Samsung J6; Garmin DriveSmart76 LT-D v6.90; Samsung A52.
Joined: Mar 18, 2011 Posts: 4462 Location: West Sussex
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:52 am Post subject:
Should you experience strange behaviour after a software update carry out a master reset. That should resolve any issues. _________________ Where there's a will ... there's a way.
Joined: 15/07/2003 22:59:27 Posts: 1050 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:19 am Post subject:
Do you use Smartlink to connect with your Nuvi? I have found, since the update, like you that cams don't appear for a while, and not at all if I switch the Smartlink off... yet they are installed on the Nuvi using their subscription installer _________________ TomTom Go Live 6100, 600
Garmin DriveLux 50, D-Smart 70, NuviCam, 3598, 2699, 2798
Mio Navman 695
Nexus 6p, Apple iPhone 6sPlus and Microsoft Lumia 950xl running TomTom, Garmin, CoPilot, Navigon, Sygic, Here Drive, Google, Waze, MS Maps
Joined: 15/07/2003 22:59:27 Posts: 1050 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:10 am Post subject:
Odd! But you are right, something is obviously changed with this update with regards to the way they process the speedcams _________________ TomTom Go Live 6100, 600
Garmin DriveLux 50, D-Smart 70, NuviCam, 3598, 2699, 2798
Mio Navman 695
Nexus 6p, Apple iPhone 6sPlus and Microsoft Lumia 950xl running TomTom, Garmin, CoPilot, Navigon, Sygic, Here Drive, Google, Waze, MS Maps
Loaded 4.8 Firmware then the PGPSW cameras using POILoader and a hard reset. I cannot see the cameras on the map but when I do a Demo of a route past a camera I get a sound warning and then the camera shows up.
Next time I switch on it's gone again.
Anyone else getting this?
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