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How to store new camera locations for recall later

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:43 am    Post subject: How to store new camera locations for recall later Reply with quote

Following courtesy of Andy_P and csnipped from this thread.

Here are a few suggested methods of logging camera positions:

Firstly, make a new POI category called "New Cameras" or whatever to store them in.


Method 1 - Store straight into the New Cameras POI category
Tap to go to to Menu page 1 / Change preferences / forward arrow / Manage POI / Add POI / Scroll up or down and select category "New Cameras" / forward arrow / GPS position / then name it.
The position is stored at the moment you tap the "GPS Position" button.

That's way too many button presses for me when driving, so:

Method 2 - Temporarily store as a Favourite
Tap screen / Add favourite / forward arrow / GPS position / name it anything quick (like just "30" or whatever).

Then at your leisure (i.e. not driving), copy it from the Favourites to the new POI category by:

Menu page 1 / Change preferences / forward arrow / Manage POI / Add POI / Scroll up or down and select category "New Cameras" / Favourite / select it / then name it properly.

Still too many button taps?

Method 3 - Quickmenu Favourites
If your TomTom supports the "Quickmenu" feature you can set it to JUST 'add a favourite' (as suggested above) in the Quickmenu preferences.
Now, with a single tap it will save a Favourite at your present location.

But this has two drawbacks, one small, one large:
1. it automatically gives the new favourite the name of the road you are on, no way to alter it at all, so you have to remember what the camera was, the speed limit etc.
2. If you try to add a second position while you are on the same road (the M25 for example!) it overwrites the first one because it has the same name!

Method 4 - Quickmenu Map Corrections
If your TomTom supports the "Quickmenu" feature and you use MapShare you can set it to JUST 'make a map correction' in the Quickmenu preferences.
Now, with a single tap for each, this saves a whole list of un-named positions which you can review later.
To do this (when not driving) you go to Map Corrections. The TT will immediately say "You have marked x corrections. Would you like to review and change them now?"
Tap 'yes' and 'Handle now" then any of the selections to get to see the first one on the map (it seems to remember them in the order you entered them).
You can then browse through them one by one and note down the Lat/Long Positions for submission.
Just remember to tap "Back" and then "Delete" to go to the next one and never tap "Done" as that would add it as a Mapshare correction for TomTom!

Method 5 - Using the ScreenCapture add-on
Life member 'Brickie64' has alerted us to yet another approach... If you've added the 'Screen Capture' utility to your TomTom, you can use that to take a picture of the screen at the point where the camera is with just one tap. To enable the Screen Capture, follow one of the sets of instructions in THIS TOPIC.

Unfortunately, an image of the normal navigation screen will often not give you enough information to work out where it was! What's needed is to take the screen grab of one of the pages where your Lat/Long coordinates are displayed...
These are: 'Browse map' (if you have them switched on), 'Helpme/Where am I', and the 'Route Summary' screen.

The first two of these are several screen taps away, but to get to the Route summary is a single tap in the centre of the status bar and then another single tap in the top left corner to activate the screen capture, which makes this a two tap solution. Smile

The disadvantage of these last few methods is you need to either remember what you've seen or write them down somewhere as you mark them!

Personally I use method 2 normally, but if I know I've got a lot to log in quick succession (the M25 again!), I use method 4. As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to all of them.

To actually submit the positions, the preferred method is to transfer your findings onto the Google map on the submissions page or you can even send off your entire "new_cameras.ov2" file in one go by emailing it to MaFt, the database manager (although if there are less than a dozen or so entries, he would prefer it to be done via the normal map method.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:50 pm    Post subject: Re: How to store new camera locations for recall later Reply with quote

Darren wrote:

Method 5 - Using the ScreenCapture add-on
Life member 'Brickie64' has alerted us to yet another approach... If you've added the 'Screen Capture' utility to your TomTom, you can use that to take a picture of the screen at the point where the camera is with just one tap.

Good report Andy/Darren. I use this method by tapping the GPS signal strength bars,then the satellites bar to get to the Lat and Long display. Then use Screen Capture for recording locations of Road Speed Limit Changes. I always have a note book handy when in the van for scribbling down the observations.
Well it works OK for me anyway. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:58 pm    Post subject: Re: How to store new camera locations for recall later Reply with quote

Method 5 - Using the ScreenCapture add-on
Life member 'Brickie64' has alerted us to yet another approach... If you've added the 'Screen Capture' utility to your TomTom, you can use that to take a picture of the screen at the point where the camera is with just one tap. To enable the Screen Capture, follow one of the sets of instructions

Thanks for the link Darren. I didn't know my TT1 v2 could do this.

Slightly off topic but any more "easter eggs" that TT don't tell customers about
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