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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:19 pm    Post subject: IPHONE & POCKET GPS WORLD Reply with quote

Hi guys,

I have an old TT GO500 which is still functioning well enough but is looking it's age. I had been deliberating on upgrading to something more recent but I also have an Iphone so decided to sit tight and wait for a proper navigation app to appear.

Now that it's nearly here I was wondering what, if anything this site will do to provide a camera database to run on the Iphone?

Is it even possible? To be quite honest if I can't have the benefit of your camera database (plus other items such POI files) then I'm not that keen to pay for a turn-by-turn app and be stuck with what TomTom offer (or any other provider for that matter). Your database is easily the best available and I'd rather stick with a "conventional" sat nav device if your database isn't going to be available to me on the Iphone.

So, the question is "Will PGPSW be offering anything for use on the Iphone" and please say yes even if you can't tell what or when!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good news then, we're very nearly ready to submit our iPhone App for scrutiny by Apple.

All being well it'll be in the Appstore soon after that.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for the quick response & I never doubted you'd have something lined up Very Happy

So I guess you will be giving regular updates to the app with new versions of the database as well? Any chance you can provide voice alerts as well so I can set things up as presently on my old Go500.

How does it worK? Although I am an existing subscriber to the database would I need to purchase the app?

Please excuse all the questions but I'm not well up on all this techno stuff but I'd love to know how your app will integrate. Do tell.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All in good time! Appreciate you have many Q's but we will reveal all as soon as it is approved for sale.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

daddyslaphead wrote:

How does it worK?

you get the app
you run it
it warns you of cameras
it saves your license


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I suppose I asked for that. Thanks for the good news anyway. I'm sure that Apple permitting, it will be a great success. I shall try hard to curb my youthful impatience in the meantime.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Darren
I too am an iPhone G3 user and I think exciting times lie ahead. I’m pleased that GPS World will have their toes in the Apple water and I will watch this Forum and the Apple Applications with interest. Mind you, I cant ever see my iPhone seriously challenging my Tomtom 720.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren, I must pick you up on your editorial in tomorrow's (sic) newsletter. You make 4 statements -

1. The new iPhone offers only small improvements
2. The TomTom car cradle incorporates its own GPS receiver
3. The iPhone GPS receiver is poor
4. GPS on the iPhone chews up the battery

1. Double the performance, addition of decent camera, compass, voice commands, video camera and various other features is hardly what I would call small improvements - particularly in the context of in car navigation.

2. The TomTom car cradle simply incorporates an external antenna

3. My own personal experience of acquiring a GPS signal on my iPhone is that it typically acquires faster than my TT940

4. I notice very little degradation of battery time when I switch on the GPS

I fear you have been influenced by Apple bashers
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tony, I have been using the iPhone for a few months now and I have to say its far from a decent device, OK when using for its intended purpose (a phone) it is quite good, but most other aspects to this device are below the standard I have seen on other devices.

Don't get me wrong its a good device BUT it has been overhyped by the media and as yet I have not found a true independent review that accurately reflects the iPhone (2G/ 3G or the new unit). If I type up the note I have made and put them on the web Apple (or rather their legal team) will more than likely demand they are removed - I have had my wrist slapped a while ago by apples chaps! - So why did I get the iPhone, quite simply nobody could offer a deal like the one I got with O2 with inclusive data, although for heavy internet usage I still far prefer my HTC Athena.

The new unit is only really adding functionality that the device should have had from day one, as for double the performance, if you count 32GB of storage rather than 16GB then yes its doubled, but this is far from performance related.
The GPS on the current 3G iPhone isn't something I would trust, lock on times are quick but the accuracy is woefull, probably on a par with SiRF-II at the very best so its about as good as kit we were using 3 or 4 years ago, it will be nise to see if the new hardware has improved this - Mike
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyD wrote:
Darren, I must pick you up on your editorial in tomorrow's (sic) newsletter. You make 4 statements -

1. The new iPhone offers only small improvements

1. Double the performance, addition of decent camera, compass, voice commands, video camera and various other features is hardly what I would call small improvements - particularly in the context of in car navigation.

My comments in respect of the improvements in the 3G S were made in consideration of some of the rather bigger changes that had been rumoured and hoped for. Do you really consider a 3MP camera to be a 'decent' camera? 5,6MP+ maybe but 3MP with no flash?

This is an interim update (as the 3G S name suggests) rather than a new model. Taken in that context these welcome improvements are less enthralling than they could otherwise have been but welcome none the less.

Of all the 3G S features, for me only the battery and processor are features truly worth upgrading for.
2. The TomTom car cradle incorporates its own GPS receiver

2. The TomTom car cradle simply incorporates an external antenna

That is untrue, the cradle has its very own receiver as confirmed to me by TomTom.
3. The iPhone GPS receiver is poor

3. My own personal experience of acquiring a GPS signal on my iPhone is that it typically acquires faster than my TT940

No argument there, but the receiver is not able to hang onto a signal as well and frequently loses lock. I have been logging tracks for some months using my 3G and my colleagues have done likewise. Comparing these logs with a datalogger running at the same time shows the inaccuracies.
4. GPS on the iPhone chews up the battery

4. I notice very little degradation of battery time when I switch on the GPS.

I will disagree again, running a GPS application such as MotionX and your battery will last a couple of hours at most.
I fear you have been influenced by Apple bashers

As an Apple Mac user and iPhone fan I can assure you that the reverse is more the case. I'm a huge fan of the iPhone and I welcome any improvements.

However that does not mean I will shy from comment or criticism where it is due. Improvements to battery and processor speed are not huge changes. An OLED screen, Haptic touch screen or front mounted camera and video calling would have been. Maybe next year Smile
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikealder wrote:
Tony, I have been using the iPhone for a few months now and I have to say its far from a decent device, OK when using for its intended purpose (a phone) it is quite good, but most other aspects to this device are below the standard I have seen on other devices.

Whilst I agree that there is much iPhone 'hype' I have to strongly disagree with your comments (and partially contradict my own earlier reply to TonyD!).

You come from the heavy PPC user direction whereas most do not. I 'was' one myself once upon a time but I would no more dream of using a PPC in preference to an iPhone than I would an umbrella in preference to a parachute!

The iPhone mobile browser is the best by a country mile and makes mobile web browsing an almost enjoyable experience. Now the Appstore is maturing we are seeing Applications, games and utilities that are truly ground breaking and as a portable media player it is also unsurpassed.
The new unit is only really adding functionality that the device should have had from day one, as for double the performance, if you count 32GB of storage rather than 16GB then yes its doubled, but this is far from performance related.

Cut'n'paste and MMS are now here but not something I ever really missed before.

As for memory, it was physically impossible to squeeze 32GB of NAND memory into an iPhone when the 1st Gen and 3G were launched. The Touch managed it only because it had space where the iPhone GSM Chip lived. Now that Samsung offfer a single chip 32GB NAND solution it is possible.

The 3G S has a 600MHz processor (up from 400MHz) which will yield noticeable speed benefits and the RAM increase from 128 to 256 will also be a benefit. These are very much performance related.
The GPS on the current 3G iPhone isn't something I would trust, lock on times are quick but the accuracy is woefull, probably on a par with SiRF-II at the very best so its about as good as kit we were using 3 or 4 years ago, it will be nise to see if the new hardware has improved this - Mike

No arguments there Laughing
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try using the iPhone for forum use though, it kind of makes the use of "View posts since last visit" a waste of time as it drops the connection so the next press returns no posts found, never had this on PPC and still don't, this is why I use the HTC for mobile internet, the iPhone interface is great but implementation when using forums is pathetic.

Cut-n-Paste is vital for me to log in to one particualr web site due to the length of non user defined access codes, makes using the iPhone for this particular use very difficult.

I do agree 100% about the use of an umbrella in lue of a parachute Wink - Mike
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikealder wrote:
Try using the iPhone for forum use though, it kind of makes the use of "View posts since last visit" a waste of time as it drops the connection so the next press returns no posts found, never had this on PPC and still don't, this is why I use the HTC for mobile internet, the iPhone interface is great but implementation when using forums is pathetic.

Forums will always be a pain on a small screen and glued to the internet as I am even I can't be bothered to interact with them on a mobile browser very often.
Cut-n-Paste is vital for me to log in to one particualr web site due to the length of non user defined access codes, makes using the iPhone for this particular use very difficult.

You need 1Password for iPhone then.
I do agree 100% about the use of an umbrella in lue of a parachute Wink - Mike

Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren wrote:

My comments in respect of the improvements in the 3G S were made in consideration of some of the rather bigger changes that had been rumoured and hoped for. Do you really consider a 3MP camera to be a 'decent' camera? 5,6MP+ maybe but 3MP with no flash?

This is an interim update (as the 3G S name suggests) rather than a new model. Taken in that context these welcome improvements are less enthralling than they could otherwise have been but welcome none the less.

2. The TomTom car cradle simply incorporates an external antenna

That is untrue, the cradle has its very own receiver as confirmed to me by TomTom.

My apologies on the cradle. I had read elsewhere that it was only an antenna and when the TomTom guy at WWDC said "enhances your GPS signal" I likewise took that to mean antenna.

On the camera front, we all know there is more to the quality of pictures than megapixels. I am quite surprised at times by the quality of pictures I take with my 2MP iPhone 3G, I think I will be more than happy with the upgrade.

As to whether or not it is a minor upgrade, I for one will be shelling out £538 for a 3GS (I am still in contract on my 3G so I will go PAYG) and am convinced it will be worth every penny to me as I use my existing iPhone very heavily. Even something as simple as the digital compass which you and Mike have not even mentioned will be worth quite a lot to me - means I can probably dispense with my £300 Garmin Colorado I use for geocaching. Also, means when I am stood on a strange city corner looking at Google maps I immediately know which way I am orientated on the map etc. Another one you haven't mentioned, voice control, might just save my life in the car one day.
I also value my time sufficiently to be willing to pay a hefty premium for doubling the performance - and Mike, it is nothing to do with doubling to 32GB, it is the result of 50% faster CPU, new graphics chip sets and doubling the program memory to 256MB.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well we agree on some points as MikeB and I will be at Regent St on Friday in-line for ours Smile

I've always been on PAYG as I use it primarily for web/email and so my initial £10 top up still has £4 left 8mths later!

Means I can update without having the contract penalties.

As for the features I didn't mention, I'll be sure to cover them once I've seen and used them. Glowing comments about untried/untested features aren't our style. Let's hope they are as useful as claimed.
Darren Griffin
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