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TomTom sign TrafficCast to deliver x40 Traffic Data in US

pocketgpsworld.comTomTom have signed TrafficCast to deliver the real-time Traffic data to US x40 connected PND devices.

TomTom's GO 740 is the first connected device TomTom have launched in the US.

Whilst the signing of TrafficCast comes as a surprise (TomTom use INRIX for their RDS-TMC data provision in the US) they are specialists in the aggregation of floating vehicle data.

TrafficCast already have an impressive list of clients including Google, Pharos, Navteq and TeleAtlas.

In a related announcement, Jasper Wireless have announced that TomTom have chosen them to provide the cellular connectivity needed. Jasper Wireless will automate the provisioning of devices allowing new users to activate their 740's immediately without registration being required.

There is some confusion on what happened to TomToms plans to launch their own HD Traffic service.

The US cellular market is much more complex than that in Europe and it is possible that talks to secure a single carrier and access to the data necessary to power HD Traffic is proving more complex than expected. But will this mean a short lived partnership with TrafficCast if a deal is signed?


Posted by bedbug on Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:55 pm Reply with quote

OMG - I SO don't believe a word you guys say about TomTom after getting so seriously burned yesterday! First Free Go950s with Google Talk, now Traffic Cast. Whatever next - TomTom percolators?!

Really guys, you're going to have to get up MUCH earlier from now on if you're going to catch ME out again!

Really! [wanders away muttering to himself]


iPhone 4/4S (iOS 5.1.1); TomTom Western Europe (1.10)/USA & Canada (1.10); CoPilot for iPhone (8), UK mapping, Mac OS 10.8/XP Pro/Win7; Tongue firmly in cheek!

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