TomTom To Bring InCar SatNav Tablet to Renault
Article by: rob brady Date: 12 Dec 2011
 TomTom are hoping to implement an in-car android tablet into Renault vehicles by the end of 2012. The tablet is open to third-party applications and will enable social networking and limited email connectivity as well. Of course, satellite navigation will be a key feature of the tablet.
Speaking on behalf of the collaboration with TomTom, Renault's manager of the project, Pierre-Francois Le Faou, said that they hoped drivers would prefer the device to traditional satnavs, smartphones and tablets.
Le Faou claimed that "by integrating the unit, the tablet will be able to link to the car's computer, for petrol and electricity consumption" - something which cannot be done with a normal smartphone app.
The tablet is currently planned to be implemented within the Clio 4 and Renault's electric vehicle, the Zoe. The device will be showcased next December at the Paris Motor Show, with the brand hoping to extend the device to other model ranges from 2013.
Source: TabTimes
Posted by lbendlin on Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:19 pm |
TomTom? Android? Hell freezes over?
Report Map Errors here:
TomTom/TeleAtlas NAVTEQ |
Posted by Tommy3090 on Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:49 pm |
Thought my pc was infected with a strange virus when I saw this !!
Fingers crossed but not holding my breath just yet
HTC Desire S - Vodafone
Android 4.0.4
TT Ver 1.0 (1072278)
Western Europe map version v895.4453
PGPSW Camera Alert |
Posted by TieJustice on Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:29 am |
? So as its android is it coming with a free version of Qlink the tracking programs that monitor everything you do ? (every txt phone contact or is this speed where you go where you have been)