Sygic Mobile Maps Europe for the iPhone is back in the AppStore
Shortly after Sygic released the Mobile Maps Europe application into the AppStore there was a mysterious error downloading it and it was pulled from sale. This left quite a few people a bit upset as they had paid their money and the download was not available. Apple seemed to blame Sygic, and Sygic blamed Apple, but the users didn't get their goodies...
Yesterday the problem was resolved and once again the Sygic Mobile Maps Europe Application was back in the AppStore again. All users that had previously purchased it were able to download it. At about 1.8Gb it is quite a hefty application but then it does contain full European mapping.
Those sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed something on the image to the left...
Yep that is right we have a copy in for review and this is a screen shot taken in action on the A127 in Essex.
Those with even sharper eyesight may also have noticed the Speed Camera icon as not being the standard Sygic Speed Camera icon.
Well that is because it isn't. One of the things we are looking into is putting the PocketGPSWorld.com Speed Camera database on the Sygic iPhone app. I have successfully managed to do this with a full database, icons, and full spoken alerts, but it is a rather convoluted and tricky process that will only work on a Jailbroken iPhone.
I am attempting to contact the people at Sygic to see if we can work out a way that Custom POIs, Icons and Sounds on the iPhone application in a more Apple Approved manner. Watch this space...
Posted by alan_dr on Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:41 pm |
Excelent news Mike! Keep the pressure on Sygic. From the emails I have sent them they seem far more approachable that the likes of TomTom.
Alan - iPhone 5 64GB, with CamerAlert, TomTom Europe & CoPilot |
Posted by MikeB on Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:55 pm |
The issue is more likely to be one of the restrictive Apple OS rather than the reluctance of Sygic.
Apple do not let users have access to the file system, therefore POIs etc can only be installed by proxy, which would mean that Sygic would have to develope a specific interface to get this data into the iPhone. This is not a simple as it might seem...
Mike Barrett |
Posted by alan_dr on Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:02 pm |
Yes I appreciate the problem with the Apple restrictions. If Sygic and yourselves are prepared to spend the time to do it I am sure a download mechanism from your data could be implemented using a users existing subscription. I also use the POI Warner Pro app, and this has an in app download update facility which works very well - though I would prefer a nav app that used your data!
Alan - iPhone 5 64GB, with CamerAlert, TomTom Europe & CoPilot |
Posted by MaFt on Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:14 pm |
it should be possible to do. i use an app called Clz Music which can receive database files, photo's etc from PC software over wifi. works really well
Posted by alan_dr on Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:24 pm |
The POI Warner update is from their own server. So it should be possible to download directly from the PGPSW server using your own credentials.
Alan - iPhone 5 64GB, with CamerAlert, TomTom Europe & CoPilot |
Posted by MikeB on Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:51 pm |
Well technically there is no issue, with a network pipe just about anything can be done.
The issues are more centered around features and demand. If enough people request User Defined POI Uploads then Sygic, or any other company will do it assuming they believe that it will result in additional sales or increased revenue.
Of course it doesnt make sense for them to implement a specific interface for just one data source. It needs to be generic, and easy to use. From my point of view a programatic interface would be ideal as we have systems in place to allow the PGPSW database to be accessed by applications.
Mike Barrett |
Posted by zebsogo on Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:33 am |
Hi i have a paid version of Sygic europe. I was doing some fishing online to find some reviews from other users when i came across a t orrent file called "sygic uk+cameras+cyprus" so i downloaded it but did not install it as i don't have a JB'd iphone and.
After i downloaded the file I looked at the Package contents. Inside i found a folder called "ov2" and inside that folder is a file called "speed cameras.upi" and "traffic lights.upi" Also a folder called "res" inside that are files .bmp images called "UK_gatso_30" ect ect. So i wondering who made theses speed cam files ,how did they put them into the application and do they work. hmmm curious
Navigon 92 Premium Live,TomTom Go 6000,Garmin 2699 LTM-D and a TomTom Go 1005 Live ( For the wife )
Posted by scarymonkey on Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:25 am |
MikeB Wrote: | The issues are more centered around features and demand. If enough people request User Defined POI Uploads then Sygic, or any other company will do it assuming they believe that it will result in additional sales or increased revenue. |
I have been advised by Sygic that they are planning on adding an online custom POI context feature in the next release/update. I take this to mean that they will support external custom UPI files in a future update as that was the question I asked them.
Vince Marsters |
Posted by 3GGG on Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:50 am |
OK - I am convinced - downloading it now, but it is going to take about 2 hours with my steam powered ADSL connection. 
David |
Posted by zebsogo on Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:02 am |
Quote: | "I have been advised by Sygic that they are planning on adding an online custom POI context feature in the next release/update. I take this to mean that they will support external custom UPI files in a future update as that was the question I asked them.
Vince" |
From my observations in my previous post of the Sygic app i downloaded contains a folder called "ov2" and inside that folder is a file called "speed cameras.upi" and "traffic lights.upi
Navigon 92 Premium Live,TomTom Go 6000,Garmin 2699 LTM-D and a TomTom Go 1005 Live ( For the wife )
Posted by SSR on Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:10 am |
I suspect the poster noticed this, but the issue is getting the files in via a non-jailbroken phone. And Sygic coming good on a promise.
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