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PocketGPSWorld Exclusive MemoryMap For Android

Article by: Mike Barrett
Date: 8 Dec 2011

Memory-Map are getting ready to launch their latest mapping system on Android SmartPhones. This is the latest evolution of the tried and trusted map viewer, route manager, waypoint manager, and track recorder we have been using for ten years or so.

You can download the app from here. You can also take advantage of the QR reader feature that a lot of phones have nowadays and scan in the QR Code on the right.

I gave the app a quick once over today and will be looking at it in more detail in the coming weeks. Suffice to say Memory-Map is quite intuitive to use, and if you still have some 'old tech' Memory-Map V5 PC mapping data still around then these can be loaded onto your Android device by purchasing the Classic Map Compatibility option.

As you may have noticed in other news we are having a Bumper Bag of Goodies competition for Christmas. Memory-Map have kindly donated a copy of Memory-Map OS Landranger GB 1:50,000 maps worth £100. These can be used on up to 5 devices owned by the user.

Memory-Map Android application features follow:

This is the Memory-Map product information for the new Android application:
Memory-Map® Free turns your Android Smartphone or Tablet into an outdoor GPS and allows you to navigate with Ordnance Survey® and many other topo maps, marine and aviation charts.


- Ultra-fast dynamic map scroll and zoom
- Maps stored ‘offline’ so can be used even without phone signal
- Topo Starter Pack including your choice of OS Landranger® and OS Explorer™ maps
- See your GPS position, course and tracklog on a moving map
- Tap to create and drag waypoints to quickly plan routes
- DigitalGPS™ trip computer records time, distance and average speed
- Upload, download or email GPX routes and tracklogs
- Buy and download additional topo maps directly through your phone
- Automatically downloads free base maps of your current location
- Auto-rotate screen for Portrait or Landscape view
- Compass Bearing displayed with iPhone 3GS compass sensor
- ‘Search and display’ place name index
- OS Grid, Lat/Long, or UTM grid display

Over 250,000 customers already use Memory-Map on their PCs, GPS and Smartphones. The App retains Memory-Map’s famous ultra fast dynamic map scrolling but adds new features to make it even easier to see and use full colour detailed maps in the outdoors.

Walking, cycling, marine, aviation, 4x4, or whatever your outdoor passion, Memory-Map has the additional maps and charts you need. Available to purchase from your favourite retail store or directly from your phone using Memory-Map’s Digital Map Shop.

Use the free base maps included with this App or purchase maps through your phone using the Memory-Map Digital Map Shop™ range of cartography. If you are already a user of Memory-Map's PC software, and you want to load your existing Memory-Map v5 maps, just purchase the 'Classic Map Compatibility' feature and you'll be able to load your QCT maps to your phone.

Purchase more maps from Memory-Map’s ever expanding collection including:

GB - Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 and Explorer 1:25,000
GB - Historical Maps -1800s, 1900s, 1920s, 1940s
GB - Marine and Aviation charts
GB – A-Z Street Maps
GB – AA Road Atlas
FR – IGN 1:100,000 and 1:25,000 topo maps
NL – 1:25,000 topo maps
BE – 1:50,000 and 1:10,000 topo maps

Plus many more maps and charts from around the world including USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa.

Battery Use Disclaimer: "Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."

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Posted by sausages on Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:31 pm Reply with quote

Download link is broken Sad

Of two mentions of "Classic Map Compatibility option" searchable via google,
one mention is from this site and the other in relation to iPhone.

Sounds promising, Memory Map and TomTom are the only reason I continue
to use WM6.5 as my daily OS.

If those two apps do work with android I may abandon my current dual boot
setup of WM6.5 + Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 and go native NAND 'droid.

Maybe. It'd certainly make my transition more likely.

*checks dates* Laughing

Posted by AllyCat on Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:04 am Reply with quote

sausages Wrote:
Of two mentions of "Classic Map Compatibility option" searchable via google, one mention is from this site and the other in relation to iPhone.

Yes MM, as with their iPhone/Pad App, are changing their licensing model (to pay for the new software development cost):

If you buy "license-managed" maps or "download credits" from their Digital Maps Shop (.QC3 file format) then the App is free, but to use MM maps which you already own (.QCT file format), you need to buy a "Classic Maps" license. Further, to use maps not originally sold by MM, e.g. scanned/copied/calibrated with the PC software, you need a "3rd Party Maps" license (previously called a "Navigator" license, or a "Discoverer to Navigator upgrade").

Cheers, Alan.

Garmin GPS72H/76/60/45, Etrex H, Mapsource v6.5.
Acer N50,HP114,Loox N560,Dell x50,CF/SD cards to 4/32GB.
RoyalTek,Holux236,Navman B10 & Copilot(Globalsat) BT GPS,TomTom5/6.
Memory Map (v5.4.2 & v5.1.3 OS & Euro), GPS gate,OSGPSconverter.

Posted by sausages on Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:13 am Reply with quote

iPhone only. Still.

And no mention on MM's website of licensing Sad

Thanks anyway.

Posted by AllyCat on Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:19 am Reply with quote


The Android App is currently available in Beta form and you can get a free 30 day trial license (which needs to be "reset" each time an update is released). More details on the Memory Map forum here.

Cheers, Alan.

Garmin GPS72H/76/60/45, Etrex H, Mapsource v6.5.
Acer N50,HP114,Loox N560,Dell x50,CF/SD cards to 4/32GB.
RoyalTek,Holux236,Navman B10 & Copilot(Globalsat) BT GPS,TomTom5/6.
Memory Map (v5.4.2 & v5.1.3 OS & Euro), GPS gate,OSGPSconverter.

Posted by sausages on Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:33 am Reply with quote

Ah, many thanks for that.

Sometimes the wrong search terms can lead one down a dead end.

Posted by alanlakes on Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:35 am Reply with quote

You also need Android 2.2 software. Another app that willnot run on my Hero!


Tomtom Go 6200, Tomtom GO Android app, Garmin GPSMap 62stc, Garmin Oregon 450, Memory map V5 & V6, Moto G6, CamerAlert, Copilot Premium, MM Tracker.

Posted by sausages on Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:37 am Reply with quote

alanlakes Wrote:
You also need Android 2.2 software. Another app that willnot run on my Hero!


Oh dear, I'm dual booting this build of ICS 4.0 off the SD card of my HD2


I'll give it a go later, see what happens.

Posted by pillboxman on Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:14 pm Reply with quote

Yeah, the link is still broken, it just takes you on a happy merry go round back to PGPS Website.

Happy Christmas every one.

Posted by sausages on Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:19 pm Reply with quote

pillboxman Wrote:
Yeah, the link is still broken, it just takes you on a happy merry go round back to PGPS Website.

Happy Christmas every one.

The 'droid version of MM is rubbish, the licensing options are a joke considering as a tax payer I contributed to the creation of the data. As a customer I bought a complete set of 1:50k and 1:25k and now I'm expected to fork out again because I want to use a different OS on my phone to access data which I've paid for twice already.

Posted by pillboxman on Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:05 pm Reply with quote

Don't blame MemoryMap, it's not their fault.

Ordnance Survey put the most ridiculous restrictions on the license for companies and individuals who use the data.

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