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More Average Speed Cameras On Way

Article by: rob brady
Date: 7 May 2019


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New speed cameras are to be deployed on a 5 mile stretch of the A500 in Staffordshire. The installation work, which covers the route between Hanchurch and Wolstanton, begins today.

The cameras will be point-to-point and located at 12 location along the route. The initiative will encompass roadworks including bridge repairs and carriageway resurfacing.

They will be phased in gradually over the rest of the year with all cameras expected to be in position by December 20th.

A spokesman for Highways England said: "The safety of all road users is our priority and while the majority of motorists stick to the 50mph speed limit the introduction of safety cameras along this route will help reduce accidents. We thank motorists for their patience while work to install the cameras takes place."

He added: "Any road closures will be overnight when we know the roads are quieter. Where possible, we will work on one carriageway at a time or with lane closures to minimise disruption while ensuring the safety of our workers."

Back in 2013, the North Staffordshire coroner called for speed cameras on the A500 following Staffordshire Police's report that there had been 28 fatalities on the road over a 10-year period.

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Posted by Mercurial on Mon May 13, 2019 2:58 pm Reply with quote

Throughout a recent visit to France, didn't come across any average speed cameras at all. Traffic seemed to flow just fine through roadworks. Can't think why.

Posted by b33jay on Mon May 13, 2019 4:02 pm Reply with quote

Mercurial Wrote:
Throughout a recent visit to France, didn't come across any average speed cameras at all. Traffic seemed to flow just fine through roadworks. Can't think why.

Known as radars tronçons in France there are just over 100 in use.

Map of their location http://www.radars-troncons.fr/

Posted by sussamb on Mon May 13, 2019 5:11 pm Reply with quote

They are there, just you don't get tons of warning signs nor are they painted yellow. They tend to be on the side of the road too and not overhead so they're difficult to spot Wink

You can see them here https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.5774326,-0.3485533,3a,75y,47h,91.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCwNjn_mJlx-UwabC8ehBZA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Where there's a will ... there's a way.

Posted by b33jay on Tue May 14, 2019 4:03 pm Reply with quote

sussamb Wrote:
They are there, just you don't get tons of warning signs nor are they painted yellow. They tend to be on the side of the road too and not overhead so they're difficult to spot Wink

You can see them here https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.5774326,-0.3485533,3a,75y,47h,91.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCwNjn_mJlx-UwabC8ehBZA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Actually ,until recently, it had been the norm for warning signs to preceed a speed camera. Now there are warning signs where no camera may exist (cameras leurre -the lure)

The latest situation is reported here


Posted by sussamb on Tue May 14, 2019 6:49 pm Reply with quote

b33jay Wrote:

Actually ,until recently, it had been the norm for warning signs to preceed a speed camera. Now there are warning signs where no camera may exist (cameras leurre -the lure)

That changed quite a while back, maybe 2/3 years ago ... it was what caused Garmin and TomTom to remove their speed camera warnings as it became illegal to warn of them, although it is still legal to warn of 'danger zones', which may or may not contain a camera. Interesting there are now more and more signs springing up warning of speed cameras for 37 kms or similar Rolling Eyes

Indeed your link is over a year old Wink but of interest perhaps to those here who drive in France are these which can pop up anywhere and are difficult to spot


Where there's a will ... there's a way.

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