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French Speed Cameras Demand Respect

Article by: rob brady
Date: 23 Mar 2018

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It's probably a good thing to treat speed cameras with the utmost respect when travelling in France.

One hapless motorist is finding that out the hard way.

He is accused of giving a middle finger sign to a speed camera whilst speeding past it. He has been prosecuted for the speeding offence, but the public prosecutor's office said that they have also charged him for "insulting a person tasked with a public service mission". The argument is that the employee who sees the image from the camera will suffer hurt feelings.

A minor matter some may feel, but the driver could be fined up to EURO 7,500 or even face two to four months in jail for that very charge.

Additionally, the police say the driver modified his license plate with black adhesive tape and the prosecutor has also requested a separate three-month prison sentence for drunk driving.


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Posted by b33jay on Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:00 pm Reply with quote

It may be appropriate for a reminder that the French "national" speed limit of 90kph will drop to 80kph on single carriageway roads outside built up areas on the 1st July.

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