Eleven Speed Cameras Per Mile
Article by: robert Date: 20 Jan 2010
Drivers of a 7.5-mile stretch of road in east London are bracing themselves for the installation of 84 average speed cameras. However, there is some good news for those in a hurry - when the cameras become operational next summer, the speed limit will be raised from 40mph to 50mph on a section of the route.
Average speed cameras appear to be proving more acceptable to drivers than fixed speed cameras, but they still have their detractors. Speed camera zones that are introduced with a higher speed limit should go some way to bring many round.
It will be interesting to discover just how much of the A13 route's speed limit will in fact be increased. It will also be interesting how motorists gauge their average speed over two speed limits. Will there be zones within zones? Will more accidents be caused by speedo gazing?
Situated between Canning Town and the Goresbrook interchange, the cameras will be spread out along multiple entrance and exit points of the A13. According to Transport for London(TfL), the collision rate on the targeted stretch (500 between 2006 and 2008 including three fatal and 34 serious accidents) is almost 20 percent higher than on other typical major London roads. TfL blames half of these incidents on speeding and says that it hopes the scheme will halve the number of people killed or seriously injured along the road.
The BBC quote RAC Foundation director, Professor Stephen Glaister as saying "This is exactly the right way to target road safety: take specific action to target a specific problem."
Professor Glaister also stated that average speed cameras have the advantage of smoothing traffic flow rather than creating the stop-start sort of driving often associated with fixed cameras.
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