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Asia TomToms Get New Features

Article by: Darren Griffin
Date: 14 Sep 2011

I was trawling through some web-site links posted on the web-site for a Taiwanese Trade Show and came across something odd, a TomTom XL sporting a split view.

At first glance I dismissed this as nothing more than a photoshop job but when I came across different images all showing this new split view on other sites my interest was piqued (see here) .

TomTom have since confirmed that this is a new feature being offered on models in some Asia sales territories, we are awaiting a more detailed response.

It makes sense to make better use of the extra screen rela estate on the wide screen models, particularly those with 5" screens and we can only hope that this feature may eventually find its way to our shores in due course. We'll keep you posted.

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Posted by AirJing2010 on Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:04 am Reply with quote

Most likely this is a response to the Chinese local brand PNDs which have had the split screen function for a while now. Don't know about Taiwan, but split screen is a standard feature on the mainland.

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