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Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:59 pm Post subject: Tomtom Start 25
Hi I wonder if anybody can advise, in the course of my job I travel an area from North Wales across to Hull and down through the east/west coasts to Exeter and across wilshire and round the m25.
I have noticed some strange behaviour from my sat nav, going into specs/Haydecs controlled areas the speed reading will spin, after it has spun the speed reading cannot be trusted.
This happens on A52 into Nottingham off the A46,specs controlled Nottingham ring road, M1 roads works all the way from Leeds down to Luton, m4 past the M32 where the Haydecs 3 cameras are in the smart motorway, m6/m42 smart motorways.
Haydecs 3's I have spotted so far m1 North between 26 and 27 and m1 exit for m18(this is a fast exit jtn, m1 South between 27 and 26 on the same gantry as nothbound one and m1 South between 26 and 25 , m4 East bound in the smart motorway and 2 in the m4 west bound smart motorway both around m32 jtn.
So is my tomtom being jammed? Does it have anything to do with the white boxes appearing at very regular intervals along the motorways and A road jtn(device looks like a speaker or speakers on a pole.
On a lighter note I thought may be DOT /Highways Agency are going to offer free wifi to people stuck in the traffic jams caused by the poor use of the smart motorways, you know a few adds from our carefully selected partners! Or may be inaine adds like is your Car Winter Ready. in June?
Satnav works as normal once I have left the controlled area, it has the tomtom camera data base on it, I can't see how that would effect it anyway.
Satnav worked ok all the way up and down the A9 in Scotland despite all the specs cameras, it doesn't like the roadworks on the m62 either, I can't trust it to do average speed in a controlled area.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14901 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:25 am Post subject:
First, I can't speak for other areas, but the cameras on M4/M32 are NOT Hadecs, they are simple Gatsos mounted on the overhead gantries. They are variable speed cameras - some operator somewhere decides what speed limit to impose according to his/her interpretation of traffic and that's shown on the overhead speed limit signs. Anyway, not Hadecs.
TomTom cameras at that point do something, although I wouldn't warrant what - they are not entirely reliable.
Hadecs cameras are NOT the same as Specs. Hadecs is a simple speed camera, which triggers if you are over the speed limit as you pass. Whereas Specs are average speed calculation cameras, only activating the calculation of your average speed between cameras, not triggering from your actual speed as you pass.
TomTom's camera database performance for average speed cameras is not as good as the PocketGPSWorld one on iPhones/Androids. TT starts average speed calculation at the start of any section and develops the average right the way through the area. If, for some reason, you enter an area at 5mph, that's the baseline for calculation all the way through. So if you pass the first camera at 5mph, it will still be using that starting point right to the end of the area. If your speed picks up after a mile or two and a few average cameras, it will still be using the measurement starting with the original 5mph. By comparison, PGPSW on iPhone/Android, recalculates at every camera, so its average speed is more accurate.
I should also mention that TT database is generally less accurate and up to date than the PGPSW one - I may be biased, but I do run both systems side by side and the inaccuracy of TT one is demonstrated daily. The TT one is far less up to date, doesn't show new cameras or get rid of old ones anywhere near as quickly as PGPSW. In your travels you must surely find places where the TT cameras don't exist and areas where cameras exist but are not in the TT database - I certainly do most weeks.
If you have an iPhone or Android, you can download CamerAlert for free, and the most up to date database for a free trial. Subscription required to get further updates.
If you are finding TomTom cameras unreliable, you can take it up with TT, we can't help with anything there. _________________ Dennis
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