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Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:29 pm Post subject: Speed settings
What speed settings does everybody use?
I am having little success in find a good combination.
Also I've just bought V3, Compared to V1.3 things have improved but some things haven't.
The speed of calculating routes and finding address has improved a lot. The maps are smaller and the program runs on less memory, but I found the user interface better on 1.3, on v3 you seem to be going from one menu to another all the time. Also finding a street without the postcode or the same town name as Mapsonic is impossible in v3. Why can’t I just search for a street name in England? Why do I have to enter a town first?
Also why does V3 lose the departure point every time you enter the main menu?
Anyway, I’m going to stick with version 3 because of the speed increase in calculating routes and the new poi warnings.
I use v1.3.2 and I find Mapsonic terrible as a way of estimating ETA. the fact is you can't set speeds less than 22mph (35kph) for any class of road. This is hopeless. WHY IS THERE A STUPID MINIMUM?? Has it changed in v3? My car has a computer which I reset every time I fill the tank, and I know that my everage speed (greater London area) is usually 27 - 29mph. Roughly 60 -75% of my driving is on motorways (M4 and M40/A40). In congested small roads in the London area speeds fall to not much more than walking pace. In addition budget 1-2 minutes at each set of traffic lights. When I am walking my speed is about 3.5mph and when I cycle my average speed is 8 - 12mph. Mapsonic v1.3.2 just can't cope with this. WHY?
Sorry for the rant.
I have also used Mapopolis (I have posted about this in the Palm forum) and Mapopolis doesn't have anywhere to enter speeds, but its ETAs are much better than Mapsonic's. I don't know why. Does Mapopolis have a learning algorithm?
v3 still has the 35Kph lower limit
I also don't understand the Traffic Light issue, it must be easy to implement, all it needs is a TL poi and add an average per TL on route. Also Mapsonic still doesn’t understand no entry signs (or no left or right signs) this is very apparent because my road has a no entry at the top but it’s two way and it always tells me to enter my road from the wrong side.
I live in the east end of London, and when I want to travel to the west London or south west England it always tells me to go through London, why not go round the M25 with is much quicker (most of the time).
Joined: Nov 22, 2004 Posts: 137 Location: Somerset, UK
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:33 am Post subject:
I'm never sure that Mapsonic is using these speeds sensibly, but the ones I use are below - obviously these aren't real speeds, but are really just weightings to show my preference for certain roads - part of the problem is I don't think mapsonic has good road classification, as several main roads near me, are treated as streets (obvious when you use navigation demo, as it uses the speeds from your prefs I think).
Highways 80mph
main roads 65mph
other main roads 60mph
secondary roads 50mph
streets 30mph
smaller streets 30mph
obviously these aren't real speeds, but are really just weightings to show my preference for certain roads
That's another servere shortcoming with this software - you can't simply express a preference for or against major roads, the only way to do it is to furkle around with the road speed settings, thus abandoning any hope of ETAs being at all useful, and making it hard, without taking notes, to get back to one's previous settings.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that I'm now seeing quite a few roads with a speed limit of 20mph, ie lower than it is possible to set in this software.
I can't imagine it would be too difficult for the roads in the display to be colour-coded or marked so that one can know the classes of the roads in the software. Mapopolis does this.
Also, I would like to point out that Mapopolis people participate in the Mapopolis forums here and at www.gpspassion.com, so it can't be that difficult. Posting here one's frustrations feels a bit like shouting at the Moon.
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