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PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:47 pm    Post subject: SKODA AMUNDSEN SATNAV Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

same question i have been trying to find out, so far the answer is no, but im still looking
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 12:39 pm    Post subject: Putting POI on SKODA AMUNDSEN and Columbus Sat Nav Reply with quote

Hi I have new Skoda Superb with Columbus system but I believe same system as AMUNDSEN. I have managed to get speed cams from Pocket GPS World onto my Columbus via SD card.
I used a class 10 SDHC 32GB card as recommended. Create a folder on an empty sd card called PersonalPOI this is the root folder where the .db3 POI file will go. Download POI file from Pocket GPS world to your computer in .gpx format using all cameras.
The procedure is a bit long winded so here goes. The file needs to be in .db3 database format to go onto the SKODA sat nav. This is done using the VW website POI generation facility at


This is all in German !!
When on this page click on orange button "Neue POI-Sammlung erstellen"
this opens a new box and asks you to browse for the file to convert. go to the file you downloaded and select it.
In the next box down " Kategorie-Bezeichnung vergeben" It asks you to give it your file a name I think it must be at least 9 characters long.
Then you have to select the symbol you want to display for the camera on your map. "Kartensymbol laden", again browse your computer to find a symbol, I used the normal speed camera gif. Whew!
The click on "Jetz Laden" and wait it can take some time just watch the percentage indication on your computer. The file is the converted on VW's own computers and sent back to you.
Normally it should end up in your downloads folder.

When it arrives copy the file into the root folder on your SD card.
Take the card to your car sat nav and select button "SETUP" then "NAVIGATION" THE BUTTON "PERSONAL POI" will be greyed out, put the SD card in its slot and it will say loading data. The "PERSONAL POI" button should light up and the select it to allow you to select the file from your SD card and you should now be able to see the speed cameras on your map. Good Luck
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To DavehwT,
I was most interested and relieved to read your success in loading Speed Cam POI's onto your Columbus satnav media unit. I have a new Skoda Superb and was informed that no speed cams were available on my Elegance model, but the very top model has a camera fitted to the windscreen and picks up speed signposts !!!!!. I even contacted the main Skoda UK office and asked but had no success at all. I am using the Columbus satnav (which I quite like) with my Garmin in Map view to provide the warnings ahead.
I have ordered a 32gig SDHC card which will take a few days to arrive and have tried to follow your instructions after downloading the UK speed cams POI.s I have tried several times but the process grinds to a halt saying the file name is not valid. The speed cams files I downloaded when unpacked were in bmp,mp3 and csv format, but you mention db3 format?.
Any help from you or others would be welcome, as I am determined to get it done.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:32 pm    Post subject: Re: Putting POI on SKODA AMUNDSEN and Columbus Sat Nav Reply with quote

DavehwT wrote:
Download POI file from Pocket GPS world to your computer in .gpx format using all cameras.

You could try downloading the "Other - gpx" package of cameras.

nuvi 2599LMT-D, oregon 700, basecamp, memory-map.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:01 pm    Post subject: Re: Putting POI on SKODA AMUNDSEN and Columbus Sat Nav Reply with quote

Hi again, sorry to be a pest.
I tried again to load my UK speed cams this time in gpx format all cameras but like before in Garmin csv format it failed because the File Name I entered was invalid. Can you suggest a File Name to try, or the necessary format required.
I downloaded the German help file and translated it using Google Translate which is not to gobbledegook but the only reference on my problem says "you must enter a unique name"
I feel I am so near but yet so far, hope you can help
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I don't have a Skoda, but just out of interest I've managed to get a 2Mb .db3 file.

I downloaded the "Other - gpx" package of cameras and unzipped the zip file.
I followed DavehwT's procedures, using the filename PGPScameras.
I had to browse to the .gpx file of cameras, and then browse to the .bmp file of camera image.

I then had to press the following buttons
-POI-Sammlung sichern
-Ihre POI-Sammlung sichern
-Jetz sichern
-Fenster schlieben
..and then my download arrived !
nuvi 2599LMT-D, oregon 700, basecamp, memory-map.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Dales,
Many thanks for your time and effort to help me. I have downloaded and updated my Garmin Nuvi50LM with no problems using POI loader. But it is obvious I am doing something wrong and if you would be good enough to bear with me I will run through what I am doing and hopefully it be apparent to you.

I first downloaded the UK speed Cams direct to my desktop - pgpsw-speed-cams-Rflog-(12-105).zip. In POI-Kategorie laden I browsed my desktop for the Zip file and selected it.
Next in Kategorie-Bezeichnung vergeben I entered the filename PGPScameras
Then finally chose the image and got the same failed message shown in red DiePOI-Liste Keine POIs
I assume this is because I did not unpack the zip file. But I have tried this by creating a folder and placing or directing (both) the zip file into it. But this is where I think my problem is.
Whatever filename I make up I get the following. “The Filename is not valid” The Zip is unpacked but I can’t progress further.

Last edited by rinklyrocker on Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Other Tired Old Man
The Other Tired Old Man

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's not a good idea to post your email address in open forum. It's inviting spam so would be a good idea to edit it out of your post.Very Happy Use the private messaging to give someone else your email, it's less risky.
Apart from that, if you find a solution, it would be good to have it here for the benefit of others.

Are you renaming the .zip file or the unzipped file to a simple filename? You only need the unzipped file(s).

Are you following what the other two posters advise you to follow and if so, at what stage do you get the invalid filename error message?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi again,
Thanks for the heads up about advertising my email address. I do most of my stuff by email as it gives me the opportunity to add attachments. When I posted todays info to "Dales" I added 2 Faststone Capture images showing my actual progress and the results. This I did in MS Word copied and pasted to PocketGPSWorld forum but the images were omitted.

In answer to your question.

I have tried adding the zipped file as delivered from the Speed Cams page.
That allows me to progress as the Zipped file name is shown as a file name.
But when I selected my image it stopped the process with DiePOI-Liste Keine POIs.
By placing the zipped file into a new folder and giving it a name showed all the files separately in the window but rejected any file name I gave the folder, and thus prevented me to proceed any further.

I presume the same process (and problems for me) to install free POI,s onto the Columbus.
Its been a few years since I was with PocketGPSWorld having been away in Spain and France, so my forum handling is very rusty, but its nice to know the support is still available, and it is much appreciated.

Thanks again.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that it's the camera filename that is invalid.

The program is expecting you to browse to a .gpx file (eg pocketgps_uk_sc.gpx).

So if you browse to a .zip folder, the program reports an error.

You need to Extract all the files from the .zip folder, so that you have (amongst other things) a .gpx file on your desktop.

nuvi 2599LMT-D, oregon 700, basecamp, memory-map.
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The Other Tired Old Man
The Other Tired Old Man

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rinklyrocker wrote:
I have tried adding the zipped file as delivered from the Speed Cams page.
I'll say again. You need to unzip the files before you can do anything with them.

You do know how to unzip a .zip file I suppose?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DavehwT & Dales
Hi again,
I thought I knew how to unzip files, but obviously I don,t.
The file I downloaded was (gpx.format all cameras) pgpsw-speed-cams-ykh8D-(12-105).zip
I then open the webpage you provided which loads as RNS510-POI-Sammlung
I enter the upload setup pressing Neve POI Sammlung erstellen which produces a new menue
POI-Kategorie laden which offers a Browse button to select the file to upload. I select the file which I downloaded and that shows in the adjacent space.
I then enter the next segment and enter a Unique Name
Then finally I locate my Camera which is in .png format.
I then get the following Die POI-Liste enthält keine POIs. ( the POI list contains no POI’s) Under the POI-Kategorie laden file browser.

I have gone through the above because this is the only way I have managed to get past the
POI-Kategorie laden section.

I have tried the only method I know of unzipping a compressed file by creating a new folder and giving it a name. Then using WinRAR or WinZip extract the unzipped files to it.
Then I check the folder to make sure the files are there, then select browse (choose File to Upload) as before for that named folder which contains the zipped files. This then shows the unzipped files and requests for me to enter a File Name. If I select the Folder name is used or in fact any other made up name It rejects it with a message “File not found – Check the filename and try again. The only thing I can think of is the program is asking for a “File Name” and I am providing a Folder Name. But I don’t know another way to contain unzipped files other than putting them in a named folder.

By the way I meant to ask (if and when I get the speed cams processed and onto the SDHC card) does inserting it into the Columbus transfer onto the internal memory or does it need to remain installed permanently for the POI’s to be active?

Again I must apologise to you both for the time, advice and patience you have provided.
I hope the above might provide you with the clues to where I am going wrong and point me in the right direction. Having just past my 72 birthday I could well be proving the saying “no fool like an old fool”

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The Other Tired Old Man
The Other Tired Old Man

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your method of unzipping a file is correct. Once the .zip file is unzipped, it is not needed, but you keep referring to it. Now to avoid ant confusion, unzip the contents of the zip file into a different folder than the one in which the .zip file is located. Now forget all about the .zip file, or delete it. It's no longer required once its contents have been unzipped.
You are correct, if a program is asking for a file name, it does not generally mean a folder name.

The only thing I can think of is the program is asking for a “File Name” and I am providing a Folder Name. But I don’t know another way to contain unzipped files other than putting them in a named folder.
When it asks for the file name, open 'the named folder' that contains the unzipped file(s) and select the .gpx files therein If you give the compiling program a folder name, then you will get the file not found error because a folder is not a file.

Thanks for the heads up about advertising my email address.
But it's still there as you haven't edited it out Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would never have sorted it out on my own, thanks to your and Dale’s help after many hours spent I think it’s sorted.
I had 2 GPX files in the download UK_sc.gpx 7,674kb and uk_pmobile.gpx 1,084 kb
Following your latest instructions I ended up with 1 file Meine_POI_Sammlung.db3 2,312 kb which I have saved to an 8GB SD temporary card in a directory named "PersonalPOI"to test it.
Although tempted to try it out I will wait until I hear from you about loading the SD card and if it
Loads onto the Columbus internal memory or has to remain in place. I said earlier that I downloaded the 3 page German Instructions using Google Translate which turned out remarkably well. From what I can make out, you download it and can even add further POI’s at a later time. I won’t swear to it as my record on this subject to date is unreliable to say the least.

On the removing my email identity I thought I had. I opted out of “Always show my email address” and also “Notify on new private Message by Email. The only reference left as far as I know is the required entry in my profile and registration. I can’t think where else to look.

Well thanks again to you both.

Smile Smile
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