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A9 Scotland to Get HGV Speed Limit Raise

Article by: rob brady
Date: 7 Dec 2013

Scottish Transport Minister, Keith Brown has announced that to coincide with the installation of average speed cameras on Scotland's A9, HGVs over 7.5 tonnes will be allowed to travel faster on single carriageway sections.

The plan, which is actually a 3 year trial, is to allow lorries to travel at 50mph instead of the current 40mph.

There will be no change in the speed limits for other categories of vehicle.

Keith Brown commented: "Before the trial can commence, regulations must be taken through parliament and average-speed camera technology procured and installed. The earliest opportunity to undertake this preparatory work and commence the trial could be spring 2014."

He added "The A9 remains one of Scotland's most important links and this pilot is just one of many engineering, enforcement and education measures being introduced to improve the safety and operation of the route ahead of full dualling."

The haulage industry and the A9 Safety Group, will implement a safe driving campaign to run alongside the changes.


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Posted by Trajet on Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:45 am Reply with quote

As a regular A9 user both as a car and HGV driver I think this is a good compromise allowing HGV's to travel at 50mph on the single carriageways once the average speed cameras are in place.

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