Privateer Pocket GPS Moderator

Joined: 30/12/2002 17:36:20 Posts: 4918 Location: Oxfordshire, England, UK
Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:21 pm Post subject: Free SatNav POIs for Jersey (Channel Islands) |
Send me an email by hitting the email button at the bottom of this email, if you want the POIs but please read the rest of the post and thread first.
My wife and I have been going to Jersey (Channel Islands) for most years from 2000 to 2019. We have not been since 2019 due to Covid-19. I started to build up a list of SatNav POIs in 2008 and have collected more on each subsequent trip. In 2016 I accelerated the collection of POIs by using Google Earth, Google Street View, OpenStreetMap, and other resources from home throughout the year and then would confirm (verify) those POIs once back on the island.
There are well over 900 POIs that are pretty accurate. Most of the POIs are vehicular based and will show the entrance to a location, and normally indicate which side of the road the POI can be found. A few locations will have more than one POI. There are a few POIs that are for pedestrian use only (e.g. pedestrianised streets) and a few that are on the map just to jog my memory of the name of a small island or tower in the sea.
POIs covered
Most hotels, churches, visitor attractions, tea rooms, beaches, slipways, beach toilets, and a host of other useful POIs are included. Not all pubs nor food outlets, only the ones that we tended to use. Here’s an example of POI naming:
Jersey Pearl, main entrance [Att,Retail,Food,WiFi] #0001
Samarès Manor [Att] #0018
The name, then sub-category type(s) in square brackets, followed by a unique incremental number for identification purposes. Your SatNav should allow you to search part of the name, also effectively search for POIs of a sub-category, or the unique ID number.
Even places that no longer exist are kept in the list and are marked as [MIA]. So, if you last visited Jersey years ago and for nostalgic reasons want to find an old place that you visited then hopefully it will be listed.
Diacritical marks (aka accents) and your SatNav
Some POIs have names with accents on letters. Some SatNavs such as the older TomTom and iOS apps such as POIViewer are able to correctly handle accents, i.e. show the accents but can search for the letter without using the accents. Other SatNavs such as Garmin need to have the diacritical marks removed to allow the ability to search.
If you want the POIs as a .csv file then it will be sent as a .csv UTF-8 file. If you want to remove the diacritical marks and just have the standard letters then save the file as a normal .csv file.
Licence to use the POIs
1. Please feel free to notify me of any inaccuracies or missing POIs (give long/lat, name, telephone)
2. The POIs remain my property, even the modifications or additional POIs sent to me.,
3. The POIS are free to use for private individuals only, not for commercial use.
4. Please do not share or post any of the POIs on any other websites or forums.
Regards, _________________ Robert.
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D |