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Joined: 20/08/2002 11:51:57 Posts: 3859 Location: Essex, UK
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:49 pm Post subject: Navigon Launch New Navigon Flow Software at IFA 2011
Navigon and Garmin may now be one company, but that didn't prevent Navigon from having a commanding presence at IFA this year. As both the Navigon and Garmin products had reached the point of production prior to the company purchase both ranges will be released. And a good thing too as Navigon have developed a new software interface called Navigon Flow.
Navigon Flow is claimed to improve the user experience adding swipes, scrolling lists and drag and drop to the user interface with all functions available from the main screen.
In our video Timo Weinschenk describes the new features of Navigon Flow and we take a look at a few demo routes highlighting lane assistance, 3D terrain and Tunnel modes.
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:00 pm Post subject: Excellent
I can't wait to get me a 92 model been using an 8450 and 70 live for a while i think they are the best PND's around (in my personal opinion) but I'm liking the new Flow software idea. _________________ --
Navigon 92 Premium Live,TomTom Go 6000,Garmin 2699 LTM-D and a TomTom Go 1005 Live ( For the wife )
Joined: 15/07/2003 22:59:27 Posts: 1050 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:35 pm Post subject:
Would have been nice to see some mapping visual options improved (better / clearer zooming rather than the smudged mapping lines they currently offer, not just a new (updated) interface
However, Navigon do make some nice units, have some innovative features, and usually well priced - be interesting to see what Garmin now do to them... _________________ TomTom Go Live 6100, 600
Garmin DriveLux 50, D-Smart 70, NuviCam, 3598, 2699, 2798
Mio Navman 695
Nexus 6p, Apple iPhone 6sPlus and Microsoft Lumia 950xl running TomTom, Garmin, CoPilot, Navigon, Sygic, Here Drive, Google, Waze, MS Maps
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:01 pm Post subject: Re: Navigon 92 Live
michaelj2 wrote:
No price or delivery date for the 92 Premium Live yet?
Just got me a 92 Premium Live today £319 from Amazon..They have 5 left so hurry :-) .. boy it's fast, Flow software is very easy to use and the Live service is much quicker at getting a connection. interestingly there is an option called Navigon Live modem check and the provider is ( T-Mobile ) check out the screenshots
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