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A choice of two - Have you had a good or bad experience??

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:05 pm    Post subject: A choice of two - Have you had a good or bad experience?? Reply with quote

Hi Guys
Decision time is almost upon me. :|

Is it going to be the Magellan Platinum?
or the
Garmin Map76s?

Your advice would be most welcome good or bad but constructive Laughing


Brian Happy

Third choice Gamin Vista
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm very Happy to use my map76s (in combinaison with an iPaq and OziCE).
For me Garmin is the best (but my personal opinion ;-).
To be friendly update with many mapsource cartography.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I must say that the fonts and text on the Garmin are much nicer, but I like the design of the Meridian range, fonts are a lot more blockier.

The Garmin does make you feel as though you are getting more for your money, but I really do like the ability to use SD cards in the Meridian. Garmin's MapSource is pretty good, but I haven't tried Magellan's MapSend yet on the Meridian.

One thing I will say is that Garmin are consistently and continuously updating their firmware and fixing bugs and making better firmware, but Magellan are very slack on this front, so if you like tweaking with new versions of firmware, then the Garmin may be better.

Garmin Vista is nice, but the screen is A LOT smaller than that of the GPSMap76S and Meridian, but resolution is higher. Personally although it's nice to have a higher resolution, I found the screens on the eTrex range a little too small for a "quick glance". I found myself having to study the screen a few seconds more to read what was on there.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now I havent tried the Meridian but there were some rumors floating about that there were difficulties connecting the Magellan to a PDA and uploading/downloading data to OziExplorerCE. I cannot confirm or deny this.

There does not seem to be any issues getting positioning data to the PDA, just the exchange of waypoints, routes, and tracks. This did seem to work OK on the PC version of OziExplorer.

I am not saying dont get it, just be aware, and maybe take some gear with you if you are going to a shop for a demo.
Mike Barrett
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 1:50 am    Post subject: Re: A choice of two - Have you had a good or bad experience? Reply with quote

kayakman wrote:
Is it going to be the Magellan Platinum?
or the Garmin Map76s? Third choice Gamin Vista

Also consider the Garmin GPS-V Deluxe Atlantic basemap. It's slightly more expensive but this unit will do turn by turn directions on the road. It's not only a street mapping unit though, it runs for 12 hours on 4 AAs and has a full feature set for road/trail/boating use. The GPS-V comes with City Select Europe with an unlock code for all regions. Whichever unit you buy, beware of the cost of the maps.

Compared to the 76s, it doesn't have the sensors and 19 Meg of memory is less than the 24 on the 76s.

If you have a Pocket PC then I recommend that you do the mapping/routing on that and get one of the cheaper Etrex models with basic mapping support.

Good luck! Thumbs Up
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