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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:53 pm Post subject: TTN5/CheckPOInt speed camera warnings
Hi all
I am pleased, but nonetheless perplexed...
When I upgraded to TTN5 I disabled all POIs (including 'safety' cameras) because they were adversely affecting the screen refresh rate. I just retained the CheckPOInt audio warnings for approaching a camera whilst actually speeding (I should add that I also disabled the visual 'flag' warning because it flashed distractingly, just like the CheckPOInt website said it might). All worked just like it said on the can, and Leon was happy.
A couple of days ago my PPC locked up and by the time I had got it going again it acted as if it had been hard reset. No problem, created a new ActiveSync partnership with the PC and re-loaded TTN5 and the speed camera database. Again I disabled the POIs and set them up for speed warning only in CheckPOInt.
Imagine my surprise when, on my way to work the next day, a flashing speed limit icon appeared in the top left corner of my display and the POI icon appeared on the map, also flashing, and with a red border. Now this visual warning I like much better then the boring text flag on my old TT3 - and it has no apparent effect on the screen refresh rate.
Problem is, I can't figure out what I have done differently this time that has made this happen. For a start, is it a TTN5 thing, or is it CheckPOInt?
Any answers gratefully accepted. Wouldn't want to lose these warnings now if I were to need a hard reset again at some time in the future!
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:12 pm Post subject: Re: TTN5/CheckPOInt speed camera warnings
Leon_Jabachjabic wrote:
Imagine my surprise when, on my way to work the next day, a flashing speed limit icon appeared in the top left corner of my display and the POI icon appeared on the map, also flashing, and with a red border. Now this visual warning I like much better then the boring text flag on my old TT3 - and it has no apparent effect on the screen refresh rate.
This sounds more like the inbuilt TomTom POI warner than CheckPOI, perhaps you have configured the "Warn when near POI" in preferences/ manage POI ? - if not take a look in there and find what is set, I have been messing with CheckPOI and trying to assemble some decent audio prompts for warnings, but I still prefer the TT package running modified audio warnings, no problems with another program running or blinking screen (as it used to do) - Mike
Thanks for quick reply, Mike, I think you might be right there.
Although I did not deliberately select any TT5 warnings, some of the POI categories appear to be ON (at least, I get a screen asking me if I want to turn off the warning when I select them). I didn't realise that there would be any visual warning when POIs themselves were disabled - which they are. Useful trick though, I'll remember that.
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