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Navigator 2 Wishlist
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, I missed that one
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Lost Cause
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My 10p's worth is a really simple one:

Where the next turning is a roundabout, then the roundabout icon should display a number - and this number should correspond to the exit on the roundabout you need to take.

i.e Roundabout icon (2) - for second exit.

Why ?

1. Well, frankly, when driving in built up areas I get sick of hearing the voice instructions. They come too often - "In three hundred yards cross the round about second exit". Then five seconds later "Cross the roundabout second exit". After 10 miles of city driving that gets really annoying. "But, turn off the sound !" I hear you cry, but then when approaching a roundabout you really have to study the moving map to work out which exit to take. And I find that too unsafe, particularly as I'm braking for the roundabout at this point.

2. The roundabout icon is rubbish, and gives you no idea what exit you need to take. This is a real pain when you are in rush hour, battling with slow moving traffic. I'm 600 yards away from the roundabout and I don't know what lane to get into - because I'm too far out for the voice instruction. The map is too zoomed in to see the roundabout. Only when I'm within approx 400yards does the voice instruction give me the answer.

So, if the roundabout icon were to display a number, corresponding to the exit number, then I could switch the voice commands off, which allows me to listen to the radio uninterrupted/converse with a passenger uninterrupted...


even if I'm half a mile away from the roundabout, in slow moving traffic, then I'll always know which lane to be in too. All for just the addition of a small number next to the icon.

If there isn't room for a number, then perhaps the icon could have an alternating flash - roundabout icon/exit number/roundabout icon/exit number etc, etc

Please, please do this !!! First
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Lost Cause
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, oh and while I'm at this.....

Normally, when you come off a motorway or a dual carriage way, then the exit is immediately followed by a roundabout, right ? Usually, I'm already arrived at the roundabout by the time TomTom has even managed to recognise that I've taken the exit ! Doh ! Therefore, when I come off a motorway exit, I find myself peering at the moving map trying to work out whether I'm needing to go left or right at the roundabout.

So... I've noticed that sometimes TomTom will put two consecutive 'turning icons' next to each other. But it never seems to do this useful function when you exit a motorway or dual carriageway. .

Therefore, the Lost Cause suggested solution is this:

When TomTom instructs you to take an exit then, if the next instruction happens to be a roundabout, and said roundabout is within 0.5 miles of the exit, then TomTom should display TWO icons

1. The motorway/dual carriageway 'exit' icon
2. A roundabout icon next to the above

And here comes the best bit........... wait for it, wait for it ...... the roundabout icon should display a number next to it (or flash a number) that corresponds to the exit you need to take on the roundabout.... Just like I suggested in the topic immediately above.

Isn't that brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, everytime I come off the motorway/dual carriageway, I immediately know which lane to get into for the roundabout !!!!!

Instead of what I have to endure now, where I'm 200yards past the exit before TomTom recognises I've turned off. 200 yards during which I'm left wondering which lane I need to get into, for the shortly arriving roundabout. Then to only find out I'm in the wrong ****** lane, and I now need to nip in front of the guy in his Ford Focus in the other lane, who's still braking heavily down from 90mph, and I'm now about to half his braking distance...


Personally, I'd find this much more useful (and less complex for the GUI)than facilities such as being able to tell TomTom I'm on a push bike.....
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would like to be able to create favourites when creating a plan route.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:10 pm    Post subject: Wish list Reply with quote

Wish list

I sometiems get in a mess with TomTom when its looking for the Bluetooth. A re-calculate route button would be fery helpful.

Options to set start and finish positions direct link to favourites.

Start position should not start blank. It should default to user selectable to last known postion or home or favourite location.

Someway to stop the annoying blue tooth browser taking over for ever looking for a bluetooth device.

UK post code search

Kev Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stop the bluetooth browser taking control of the system etc etc etc

Well this one has been cured if you have an IPAQ 2210 (maybe other PDAs too but it works on my 2210)
It's a truly great tip if you only have one BT device 'cos you no longer have to select the BT devise to connect to it just automatically selects it.

This is a truly great tip and should go in some sort of top tips or
FAQ section if there is one.

Thanks Lutz Bendlin Thumbs Up

Here's something you should try (credits to pocketnavigation.de). You need a registry editor for this.

(000x is 0008 for com8 )
add an entry (DWORD)

this should stop the BT browser from popping up, and the last connected device will be reconnected
Lutz Bendlin
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not sure if this has been mentioned before but with increasing online
useage for all would be nice if POI had ability to link to a relevant web page.
This would give immediate access to opening times/content etc.
Would this be hard to implement?
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dmac - POIs providing on-line content. That would be handy. I touched on something similar a while back stating that it would be great if all POIs were on-line (once mobile content becomes "always on"). With something like a direct link to yell.co.uk's data, you could, if you wanted, navigate to any POI.

- The "next exit" icon in the top right when you're doing motorway driving. It would be extremely handy if it displayed the direction of motorway you need to take. When you're driving from one motorway to the other you don't have the map on-screen (too fast), and the East and West exits for the next motorway might be only a couple of hundred yards from each other. When you're not entirely sure which way it's taking you, it is very easy to end up going the wrong way by mistake.
What's going on? Where am I?
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1 Full postcode search ( i visit quite a few industrial estates and quite often these aren't named on the database)

2 Ability to show speed trap info on the Ipaq as I'm using a road angel as the GPS front end. The Angel could then be hidden away under the dash
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My 1p worth is;

OS coordinates option on the menu when you tap hold on the map.

mutliple 'Go Via' is essential

save routes a must

Postcode input

and the avoids could be more useful if you could draw the avoid freehand (like using a pen/pencil to draw a shape of the avoid.

Most important is that TomTom personnel read these suggestions, and let us know that they are reading them, perhaps they should ask us users how things should be implemented etc etc.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd like to see the following:

o Ability to maintain Tomtom's POIs (eg removal of closed gas stations)

o Multiple waypoints for a journey (go here, then here, then here)

o In 'alternative route', the ability to say "Avoid M25 for 10 miles"

This last one has proved a problem for me on a long run on the M4. There was a blockage one junction ahead for 2 junctions and the only thing I could do was say 'avoid the M4' which resulted in a route that was miles and miles long and took me across country forever. As I was in traffic I had to ignore the thing and sit fuming for 2 hours.

Otherwise it's a great program in my opinion.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:24 pm    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I have three 'wishes' for TTN3
1, To be able to input/locate/navigate by OS map ref (SX123456 etc).
2, To be able to use postcodes properly streetmap.co.uk does it very well so why not TTN?
3, Use hardware buttons to 'toggle' between map and navigate view.
4, Have the scrumptious Kirsty Young do the voice directions - grrrrrr......
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

An option to force the PDA to keep the backlight on while the Tom Tom program is running.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pagemakers wrote:
An option to force the PDA to keep the backlight on while the Tom Tom program is running.

In the TT GPS Applet on the GPS Tab you can move the slider next to the PDA Icon to prevent the PDA from entering sleep mode when the program is running. You can also configure the backlight to remain on whilst on battery and or external power (not advisable on battery or you risk running the unit flat).
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darren wrote:
Pagemakers wrote:
An option to force the PDA to keep the backlight on while the Tom Tom program is running.

In the TT GPS Applet on the GPS Tab you can move the slider next to the PDA Icon to prevent the PDA from entering sleep mode when the program is running. You can also configure the backlight to remain on whilst on battery and or external power (not advisable on battery or you risk running the unit flat).

I have moved the slider to the PDA icon and it still turns off Crying or Very sad

It is a shame that the program does not keep the light on by default. How else can I see the screen after all?
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