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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Hugh, I use GPSAssist so I hit a hardware button to take me to the menu, then tap STOP which does stop TTN too. Tapping X usually will still keep it in memory, unless you have a program like IcBar or WisBar installed in which case it allows you to close it completely clearing memory.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Nah - if I exit it's fine, but if I'm just popping out the car for a few minutes (eg, to fill up with petrol), then I'll just switch off and put my iPaq in my pocket. When I come back to the car, cradle and power up again - when the GPS is in range of the BT receiver it disables it. Mind you, if the exit shortcut hardware button in TTN2 dropped the volume back down again I'd be tempted to exit
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Ouch, you take your Pocket PC out whilst filling up ? I do lock the car and immoblise/alarm it, but I leave it in there running. With the ZZzzz turned on, it shouldn't power off either, so I find for a few minutes in wasted battery, it recharges that in a few seconds when I get back into the car.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Yeah, there is that - I'm just a little bit wary sometimes. I normally leave it in and on most times, I was just looking for an example

There are times when I pull it out of the cradle to go into work. I'll power down, and might not need my PPC until I'm back in the car again, when I slot in, power up and disabled...
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Definitely an improved Avoid system.

The Roadblock feature has a habit of telling you to come off the motorway exit and then re-enter at the same exit. Doh! I suppose that would be great if the blockage was only 200 metres or so.

How about when you hit roadblock you have the option of entering the number of junctions to avoid (this is how trafficmaster, radio, etc. provide the congestion info) and also have the option of avoiding X amount of miles on the road your on.

Now that would be something. i had it on an Audi TT and it worked great. It was simple software too.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I wish there was a way of telling TTN my perfered routes. Through local knowledge I know that a particular road is slower than another so I if I could adjust the default speed for a given road it would persuade TTN to avoid that road unless it really is the only option. For example I like to leave the M25 as soon as I can when aproaching junction 12 clockwise.

My workaround is to drop avoids to force TTN to come up with my route of choice.

It is a fact of life that the map will contain errors, even if it was right on day one, roads change. I wish I could edit the map to correct errors. There is a no right turn at the end of my road that alway fools TTN, so any route I plan from home is wrong! What would be realy cool is if TTN could observe the route I alway take and learn.

If TT can't (won't?) allow the map to be edited adding a via option would enable me to force TTN to use a particular road.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

The ability to automatically revert to your own "default" options every time TTN is started (so if you turn the sound off when you're near home the next time you start TTN it will have the sound back on again).

A "Clear Route" option from within Navigator View (in Navigate To?), so I don't have to go into the Map view, select Clear Route, select yes and then back into Navigator.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Quote: Originally posted by Cessquill on 22 April 2003

A "Clear Route" option from within Navigator View (in Navigate To?), so I don't have to go into the Map view, select Clear Route, select yes and then back into Navigator.

I think that's what "stop active guidance" does?

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

This is in addition to my previous list.

When calculating a route, sometimes it is very slow. Either a better algorithm that will do this quicker or as someone else suggested, it allows navigation for the start of the journey while then rest of the journey is being calculated in the background.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

Via is Vital

I feel seriously handicapped without a facility of Via when planning a route. The route is calculated by certain algorithms. When using Quickest Way it always take you motorways first, which in many cases obviously are not sensible ways. Shortest Way might be good for walking but can hardly be appreciated by drivers.

A Via (waypoint) facility is where the driver's will and knowledge can be applied. After the route is calculated, you can tick a few Vias on the road you want to pass and then re-calculate the route. At the moment we can only use Avoid Area, which is not a tidy way at all.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I wish it would use the GPS time signal to synchronise the PocketPC clock
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

I would like the following in my wishlist:

1) The ability to say I want to navigate to Amsterdam City center (or any other city for that matter) without having to give street name or house number.

2) Names of Cities, Towns, roads etc in Navigator view.

3)The ability to say avoid all Motorways if possible (i.e. take scenic route)

4) More road coverage i.e do the roads really have to be so thick when comming up to junctions, also higher map detail at cruise speed i.e. displaying more roads.

5) The ability to change the shape of my GPS cursor. I would like to change it to a battle tank or a jet fighter.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

In addition to my list above,

6) When an Alternate route is calculated, I would like TTN2 to display a dialog with the difference in time and distance between the new route and the original route, in this way I can work out if I want to use it or revert to the original route.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

When in another application (ie Contacts, today screen, whatever), you should have the option to instruct TTN should relinquish control of the hardware buttons.

Moreover, seeing as they are only used in Navigation View just having an error message in any other view is a little wasted.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Wishlist Reply with quote

The posibility to plan a trip from one country to another, like going on holiday from the Netherlands to Spain. Getting tired of stopping at borders, switch map, plan route, setting up avoids and recalculate again....the holiday is only 3 weeks.........
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