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gstenson Frequent Visitor

Joined: 23/10/2002 09:53:59 Posts: 267 Location: Lincolnshire, UK
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
A43 Silverstone bypass. This was completed Autumn 2002 and is not mapped at all. |
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Tallen Occasional Visitor

Joined: 29/04/2003 12:56:10 Posts: 1 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
Two more errors that I have noticed so far in Navigator 2:
1. Wareham in Dorset (BH20) is missing. This is a small town, but it has a main Post Office, banks, etc. Should be there.
2. Torrington Place off the Tottenham Court Road in London is now one way (from east to west) due to the recent addition of a cycle lane. I was directed into it the wrong way last Saturday - very embarrassing!
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trafcam Regular Visitor

Joined: 30/10/2002 11:57:49 Posts: 155
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
A500 where it meets the south-east end of the Nantwich bypass, in Cheshire. This was diverted more than a year ago in preparation for the new bypass, which will then become the A500 at which point the current A500 becomes a B-road. Although I can see why the new bypass isn't on the map (although it's been in the printed 2.99 petrol station maps for more than a year, too) the diverted current A500 should be there. It's not in the latest Co-Pilot either. |
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grantra Occasional Visitor

Joined: 29/04/2003 19:45:58 Posts: 2 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
At Weekend went from Reading to Knighton in Leicester. TomTom reports that it has moved several hundred miles to Powys. Gives route via A43. Follow this and spend a fair amount of time travelling through fields. The new dual carriage has only been open for a year so can;t expect too much.
Coming back it decides it wants to use the M69 instead. Ignore this and head down M1. At first couple of junctions it wants me to go round the roundabout and back up the M1. Next it wants to head up the M6 towards Birmingham. Finally it tries to take me off at Watford Gap services and out the staff exit on to a minor road. Large signs indicating this is illeagal. Aaaaaargh!! I gave up and switched it off. _________________ Richard |
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mshah Regular Visitor

Joined: 02/01/2003 17:11:32 Posts: 95 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
In Northampton, when in the town centre on Lower Mounts A5123 going South-East bound, it assumes you can carry on to York Road A5123. This is wrong, there is no entry from this point and the only route is to go around the bend onto A4500.
I also noticed the mistakes on the Silverstone bypass at A43 and the roundabouts A43 leading up to M40 J10. Big mistake!! _________________ <br>
--> Milan |
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andrewpmoore Occasional Visitor

Joined: 11/05/2003 09:42:38 Posts: 29
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
Here's another one
King lane in Leeds near Allerton High school, there's an long roundabout that in TTN1 routed you around it correctly, but in TTN2 it doesn't think it's a round about and driving towards the ring road makes you go around it the wrong way.
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Boxbrownie Lifetime Member

Joined: 22/03/2003 16:18:25 Posts: 128 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
Completed Autumn 2002, the new A130 trunk road between the A12 and the A13 in Essex, a major new road, is completely missing. |
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bobnuts1 Occasional Visitor

Joined: 19/05/2003 21:16:21 Posts: 40 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
A419/417T Swindon to M5 Jct 11a driving through fields for part of the way and causes a major problem when joining M5 to travel north as this is a complex and unusual junction as the slip for the northbound route is the first not the second as you might expect - this is when you really do need a sat nav system to guide you through.
Richard |
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sps12773 Occasional Visitor

Joined: 21/05/2003 21:42:51 Posts: 1 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
The one way system around litlington( cambs) has been there for 20 odd years and yet a route still tries to go directly from bassingbourn road into meeting lane instead of going via south street. |
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Teece Occasional Visitor

Joined: 18/05/2003 19:05:53 Posts: 33 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
Even though I find my street and area in the database and it is set as my home location, It always shows up (when selected) as the same area in a completely different county (Blackheath Colchester).
Go figure.........! _________________ TomTom Go Live 1005
TomTom730T. v805 TMC
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trafcam Regular Visitor

Joined: 30/10/2002 11:57:49 Posts: 155
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
A500 Hough / Shavington bypass, 53.06803N/2.38252W to 53.06195N/2.48862W.
OK, so as it only opened last night, perhaps it's a little early to be on the maps yet, though it was in the £2.99 road atlas my mate bought from a petrol station last year. |
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Scott Regular Visitor

Joined: 17/11/2002 23:42:58 Posts: 66 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
- A507 westbound from A1 (around Stotfold) - road is not positioned properly for many miles (according to TT2 you are driving cross country!) You would hope that 'proper' roads are kept up to date better...
I drove this one yesterday. As you say, the road isn't missing from the map, it's just in the wrong position. However it turns out that my 2000 RAC road atlas shows the road exactly where Navigator thinks it is. So either the road has been moved in the last few years (don't think it has) or there's been a slip up in the source data which is propagating its way through various maps. The road atlas is supposed to be based on Ordnance Survey data. I wonder if any of the map companies actually started from scratch when preparing their maps or whether they all share a common base.
On a related topic, the Sunday Times 'Driving' supplement from a few weeks ago had a full-page interview with one of the geographers responsible for keeping the maps up to date (can't remember which company). Sounded like a pretty good job. |
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Paul Sharpe Occasional Visitor

Joined: 17/12/2002 09:52:06 Posts: 32 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
Here are mine after 1 week with TTN 2 - all of these have not been updated since TTN1
1) Dudley (West Mids) 'New' Bypass not on the map - I think its been open 4 or 5 years
2) A419 Birdlip to Swindon exists but I don't think its mapped correctly as the 2 times I have driven it my position drifts off the road to the right and into fields when Swindon bound.
3) Dickens Heath - a housing estate near Solihull in the West Midlands is about 10% mapped - which is a surprise because I think they have been building on there for well over 5 years now.
4) Stourbridge Road out of Bromsgrove (B4091) just after the bridge over the M5 TTN tells you to turn right into a layby, drive along the lay by and turn right back onto the main road. Not too much of a problem, but a bit emabarrassing when you've got a car full of mates and you're showing off your fancy sat nav!
5) Redditch at the island to turn right off the A448 and onto the A4189, TTN tells you to turn left, go down the A4189 in the wrong direction to the first island, go right around the island to follow the A4189 in the correct direction.
6) M5 junction 6 is mapped correctly, but the voice instruction recognises an extra exit - which does exisit but its onto a private dirt track facility and is usually closed with a barrier - so follow the map and not the voice instructions.
I hope TTN are going to get a refund from Teleatlas and we'll get a free/cheap map update as a result.
Paul |
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davidclack Lifetime Member

Joined: 26/11/2002 18:09:57 Posts: 35 Location: Peterborough, United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
Only a small point, but the one way system round our village green (Sawtry, Cambs.) TTN1 and TTN2 both send you the wrong way round it (been there at least 20 years), SmartST Pro gets it right. The annoying bit is living there it tells me this every day. |
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hollis_f Regular Visitor

Joined: 11/10/2002 06:31:24 Posts: 98 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors |
Brentwood - Essex. Travelling north on the A128. At the junction with the High street the map corectly shows you doing a right - left combination (although it doesn't include the roundabouts involved in the manouvre). However, the voice instruction tell you to turn left. |
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