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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

The TeleAtlas maps are supposed to be December 2002, which is I guess the production cut off point where they start shipping it to their customers, eg TomTom. What we don't know is:-
  1. How long does it take them to make the final changes to their database ? Does it take them 1 month, 2 months or perhaps 6 months ?
  2. How often they re-work/drive/update the whole of the UK ? Do they do it once a year, once every 3 years and just worry about updates they've received from Department of Transport and other organisations, or do they actually re-map the whole of the country on each major annual re-issue ?
If we could find out this info from TeleAtlas and NavTech it would be interesting to see which one should be more accurate with their map data.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Hi, just bought my first nav systen the TTN2 and what i noticed upon first use, is that where i live is not even on the map. Now i live in the Midlands, Tamworth Staffs and my estate is 2 years old and the next road down from me is 5 yrs old and this is not on there either, this is the latest version from tomtom, so why are these roads not even on there, it costs over £100.00 for each map and this should guarantee some accuracy. I had a person navigate to my house last week, should have asked what they were using. Must say not too impressed and the postcode tracking, where is it, thought it would be a doddle with this feature, you know type in full postcode and house number and there you go but no just a list to pick from, why say it can do something when it cannot.

Last thing how do i go about getting my estate and the next one put on the map?
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Buffy Beagle
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Hi Gazza. If you want to be on a Tom Tom map then you will have to move :0) It may not be the easiest solution, but it is the only way for you to be sure!!! Our road is on the actual map, but if you type in the name of our town it is NOT there! On Nav 1 we had to type in the name of a village 5 miles away, and now with Nav 2 we have to use the name of a 'village' which is actually now an area of our town, but still a mile away! Buffy :0)
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

TomTom 2   Still has Map data issues.

TT2 gave Clifton Bristol as Clifton Sterling. However TT2 navigated accurately to Clifton Bristol so I guess the error is in the descriptor rather than the coordinates. There were also a couple of mini roundabouts in Bristol (over a year old) which were unknown by TT2.

I’m not convinced that I would have upgraded to TT2 for up to date map data if the current TT2 data is as good as its going to get. It was the “avoid” “alternate” to make it easier to avoid parking on the M25. The overall package is excellent, it works I’m happy!

Use it or lose it
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Driving west on A428 Sky Blue Way in Coventry (someone has to live here) I'm told to turn right onto A4600 Walsgrave Road, which is not possible.
Andrew Gibbs
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Double mini roundabout in Edgware, London not reflected. ie where A5100 Hale Lane meets A5109 Deans Lane and Selvage Lane
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Thanks Buffy, but do i have to check with TTN2 before i move to make sure the new place exists

It seems TomTom have some issues to address from what i am seeing and i also know that they do not respond to email, so will someone from PocketGps be able to get some feedback from TomTom or shall we call them ConCon from now on as they are not delivering the goods in my opinion, as a few glitches we can live with, but alot of problems from TTN1 are still valid.

If i had read forum before purchase, maybe i would have bought different software, don't get me wrong some things are good but what use is a gps street nav system if the maps are no good in the first place.

Now here is a smile
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

If streets are physically not on the map, it's a problem with the geodata provided from TeleAtlas. TeleAtlas are renowned for not having complete maps in other areas of the world. Although TomTom are probably powerless to do much, you can notify these to TomTom and post them here, and hopefully these will be passed back to TeleAtlas, and in the next annual release of maps, hopefully these may have been checked and entered into the maps.

Unfortunately we get even more of a problem getting a response from TomTom on issues like this, as they know we're going to report on these.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Dave, glad to see that they take note of PocketGps as it is a cool site and without it, well who knows what crap we would all be in. So PocketGps is like OFTEL but on GPS, Laughing Out Loud.

Hope they do get it sorted one day, as TomTom must have to pay a large amount of money for the map data, just ashame that TeleAtlas is out of date and charging GPS software companies for data that is years out of date.

Is there any better software out there to buy and if so what is it?

But i like tomtom's simple approach to mapping, it looks as if my nephew drew it
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

If Tele Atlas data is missing streets etc that have been around for several years, perhaps in addition to contacting TomTom, users who have details of the problems should also contact the Tele Atlas UK office directly and ask them why? The company will surely be interested in putting right inaccuracies.

After all, they say at www.teleatlas.com "...The mission of Tele Atlas is to reinforce its leading position for the benefit of its clients and partners and the sector as a whole. The digital mapping industry is growing rapidly, and Tele Atlas accepts its foremost responsibility: to provide the best digital maps available..."

"...As the number one reference brand in digital mapping, Tele Atlas is conscious of its obligation to raise quality. With a focus on accuracy, completeness and correctness, we are helping to evolve the art of digital mapping by providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive data available. We are committed to excellence and demonstrate our commitment to quality by investing in the development of high quality products and services..."

Tele Atlas

46 - 50 Coombe Road

New Malden, KT3 4QF

Tel: + 44 (0)208 336 6600

Fax: + 44 (0)208 336 6601

Just a thought.

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Mark G
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

J18 of M40 (A43 Ardley) has not been updated. The entry slip road is now different from A43 to M40. Nor has the A43 Silverstone by-pass been added. This is a big chunk of trunk road, 2-jags will not be happy!

How about a POI marker for known map errors, with a wav file to announce "mapping error" when you enter a friday-afternoon at tele-atlas zone.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

OK, below is a copy of the email that i sent the tele-atlas database dept, so let's see if they give a toss!


Hi, I am contacting you directly as a member of a large forum for GPS Navigation systems. Our members who have a large number of complaints regarding your maps, using the latest TomTom Navigator 2 software, were led to believe that they were all getting a map database updated to Dec 2002 and this does not seem the case. I myself live in Dosthill, Tamworth and my estate Ascot Drive has been built for 2 years and the next estate down Sefton Road has been built for 5 years are nowhere on your maps. We as a community in partnership with TomTom wnat to assist you both in being the No1 and we can help by advising you of problems with the mapping and when after a suitable time you can release updated map information to TomTom who will release an update for us users. This is a practical solution and us the consumer will act as unpaid beta testers of your maps and tomtom's software, together we will create better maps that are more accurate and up to date and that will bring customers flooding as we all want accurate mapping. TotToms latest software is great and with a few more tweaks here and there it will be the best software available in our opinion, now if the mapping was spot on or close too, this would be brilliant.

If this is not your field could you please make sure it gets to whoever is responsible for this section.

And then could you contact me by email, letting me know what you want us all to do. we can then create a file with the missing and mistake items on it, with as much detail as possible. We can then send this to you, so you can verify it and create an update for the mapping.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

What and you didn't mention Pocket GPS! ? . Seriously though, I doubt you'll get much of a response, as it would be like complaining about your phone service when international calls keep being cut off when phoning the Netherlands, but instead of phoning your cable company who your contract is with, you contact BT instead as the underlying telecoms system is owned and run by them.

I would certainly be interested in what their response will be, but I think they'll probably say you need to go back to *their client*, eg TomTom to get problems fixed, as they probably won't talk to the end user.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Back to the simple topic of map errors from my trip today:

- A507 westbound from A1 (around Stotfold) - road is not positioned properly for many miles (according to TT2 you are driving cross country!) You would hope that 'proper' roads are kept up to date better...

- Yet another 'missing estate' exists to the south of Shefford (in area between A507/Ivel Rd/Churchill Way). Never seen the attraction of new houses anyway...

- Wengeo Lane in Ware (Herts) is shown as a through road, in fact it is signed from both directions as a dead end (maybe it is not, but I did not want to try!)

Andrew Gibbs
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Navigator 2 Map Errors Reply with quote

Leicester ring road. I recently went to the Space Centre with my kids and TTNav2 tried to take me through the centre of Leicester ignoring the much quicker ring road which did not even appear on the maps in some cases. All roads on the ring that have been upgraded to A status were still minor roads according to TT. This ring road was completed at least 2 or 3 years ago - so much for Dec 2002 maps! Smile
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