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IFinder and MapCreate 6 software

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: IFinder and MapCreate 6 software Reply with quote

I just recently purchased the iFinder Plus which came with MapCreate 6 software and 16mb MMC and I promptly starting filling it with all the different locations I might travel to.

iFinder user interface took some learning.. but not too bad and I had a few maps of my home town and my brothers home town. Everything worked fine till I added more maps.

After getting in about 4 mb of map data in, the gps would turn itself off after a particular sequence of menu selections. I ordered a new 128mb SD card and when I got that one I transferred the data to it and found problem to persist. So, I tried redoing the maps adding other maps for my parents and my girlfriend with memory usage up to 30mb. After transferring that to the iFinder and turning the unit on, it would shut itself off after 5 seconds no matter what I did after that.

Lowrance gave me an RA number and after they checked it out they concluded that the gps unit was fine and they asked me if I made multiple maps. I said, of course... what's a gps for if you couldn't do that?? They said that users need to make one map to upload... it can include several different places but only one map. I searched everywhere in the manual for this. I found nothing.

I get my unit back on the 20th... I'll let you know if the problem is there with the combined map I've created. Has anyone else discovered this anomaly?

Garmin nüvi 660
Lowrance iWay 500c
iFinder Plus
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: IFinder and MapCreate 6 software Reply with quote

Turbo, I can't comment completely on your situation as I'm not familiar with the Lowrance receivers, but compared to Garmin and Magellan you do have to upload a single map as there's no facility to be able to switch between maps.

In theory you would think it would be possible to do this, but the handheld GPS receivers tend to be programmed to only like one map usually with no ability to switch between maps, so if at one point you wanted say a map of Texas, and then the next week you were going to Florida, then you would have to load the specific map for the occasion and not have both on there unless you had the storage space to upload a map to the Lowrance that would cover both Texas and Florida.

I think Lowrance should have explained this better in their instructions/manual.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:04 pm    Post subject: 1 or more maps Reply with quote

I am on my way to purchase the IFINDER PRO. Hope it works ok. Looks to me that it would be better to have a hand full of 8 or 16 mb mmc cards than to have 1 high mb card. Is this the way you are lookingat it?
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