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Joined: Mar 18, 2011 Posts: 4462 Location: West Sussex
Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:32 pm Post subject:
wibbley wrote:
Yes I realise this, however I was just trying to keep things simple. With TT it is much easier to wack the POIs onto the device & Joy has come from the TT world into the nightmare that is Garmin POI handling.
If we start giving other alternatives of how to handle POIs we are just adding confusion. ' Use POI Loader to put the POIs on your device' I think is the easiest method to start with.
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:47 am Post subject: Success!
Yes, it worked! I drove to work this morning and got my voice warnings - at least some of them. I think they need to be refined, as from my reading of these forums it seems that Garmin devices do not notice the cameras unless you are exceeding the speed limit.
I also was a bit disconcerted to hear the terms:"fixed camera", "average speed camera", "mobile camera zone", etc. instead of what I used to hear from my TomTom: "Gatso 50", etc. The actual speed limit isn't mentioned. Can that be changed? And how?
And when I want to update them, do I just download them in the same way as I originally did, into the POI loader, assuming that the new ones will override the ones already there?
Thank you everyone, for your friendly, patient support. Without these forums I would simply have given up!
Seems like you have got everything working ok, the reason for your speed cams not announcing the speed or type is probably that you have downloaded the 'speed zoned complete' rather than 'consolidated by type' file.
You will need to download the 'consolidated by type' file and don't forget to also select a voice pack in wav format.
Make sure you unzip them to a folder that does not contain the other files you downloaded else you will end up having two sets of cams on your garmin.
You will also have to remove the POIs that you have loaded onto your garmin. Use POI loader and it has an option to remove all custom POIs.
For future updates, providing you do not change between file types, POI loader will overwrite the old speed cam files on your garmin, no need to remove the old ones first.
Now you have it all sorted, would highly recommend you play with Kremmens 'POI Converter' program. It makes downloading & unzipping the pgps files so much easier and if you decide to increase the size of the pgps Icons, the option to 'unzip camera files only' means they will not get overwritten with the standard pgpsw ones.
The program renames the pgpsw files so before using for the first time remember to remove your current gpsw cam files from your sat nav using POI loader.
I had downloaded the "consolidated by type" files, I'm sure of that, but I did it again this evening (removing the previous ones from my nuvi), so will see if that works.
Joined: Jun 20, 2005 Posts: 1096 Location: Solihull, UK
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:29 pm Post subject:
I suspect that is the wrong way round. If you want to hear the speed limits, then you need the Speed Zone Complete download. Consolidated by Type just contains the different types of camera, not the speed limits. _________________ Garmin DriveSmart 50 LMT-D
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:30 pm Post subject: CSV to GPX Converter
OK, how do I do this? I've downloaded the program, and tried to follow the instructions, but when I run it the files don't go green. In fact, the whole chart is blank apart from the "proximity settings". So Kremmens, where have I gone wrong? I'm beginning to feel like a novice at this whole game, but I'm like a dog with a bone! and don't like to give up!
In POI converter you have to click 'process' to make the screen turn green. There is a gotcha here, the pgpsw database does not come with an 'overspeed.wav' file and you need one of these if you want the overpeed warnings (I don't, I find them annoying along with the pgpsw warnings.
Hopefully Kremmen will be along and get you set up, it's his program & will be able to help u far better than I.
I suspect that is the wrong way round. If you want to hear the speed limits, then you need the Speed Zone Complete download. Consolidated by Type just contains the different types of camera, not the speed limits.
I downloaded the Speed Zone Complete files, but I still don't get the speed limits. As I didn't actually remove the previously installed files from the POI loader folder I now get loads of warnings, but none refer to the speed limit. They also come a great deal too early, in most cases.
Kremmen, will downloading your program improve this situation? My plan is to download to a "Working Directory" folder into which I will have extracted the speed camera files, then place the whole lot into the POI folder in which I have deleted all previously installed files, except the Sox.exe one. Is that the way to go?
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7123 Location: Reading
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:56 pm Post subject:
At this stage you don't need my program to get this working.
Create a new clean folder say C:\PGPSW. Download the PGPSW cameras zip file into that folder. Unzip the cameras zip file into that same folder. You should now have 3 sets of files:
The * needs to be identical for each of the files ranging from gatso20 through to specs70 or whatever the range is.
Once unzipped you then run POIloader from Program Files and point it to this new folder with the above files in it. The SOX.EXE only resides in the \garmin\poiloader\ folder along with POILoader.exe _________________ DashCam:
Viofo A119 V3
I decided to start from scratch again, as I seemed to have multiple warnings, so I removed all the POIs from the nuvi, using POI loader, and re-downloaded the files. I put them in the Garmin\POI loader folder, but this time got the message that it could only take 32 files at a time (I didn't get that warning before). So I made sub-folders, as instructed, and divided all the POI files into those, and from there loaded the whole lot, via the POI loader program, into the nuvi. The sub-folders are in the Garmin\POI loader folder, and so is the sox.exe file.
So there I have it - I have the cameras coming up on screen, but no voices, although all the files, including the .wav ones, are there in the folder.
And the on-screen warnings are really badly timed. I am getting a bit fed up with the whole business, which seems so complicated.
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:00 pm Post subject: Laters report
In desperation, I deleted everything , all folders, all downloads, all custom POIs from the nuvi, and started from scratch again, even re-downloading the POI loader.
I put everything in the Program Files\Garmin\POI loader folder, including the extracted sox.exe, then dared to start on Kremmen's converter program. Lo and behold, the files went green, I followed his instructions and the loaded it all onto my Nuvi. It seemed to work, no error messages.
Tomorrow morning I will drive down the A406, with its speed cameras. Sometimes I will be within the speed limit, sometimes not. We'll see....
Yes, it worked. I got my voices, with the speed limits and type of camera. I didn't at first, until I realised that one has to turn on the "sound alert" on the nuvi! I had thought that that only applied to the Garmin POIs.
Only problem - I seem to get multiple alerts, and sometimes in places where I know there are no cameras. I know that some of these are for cameras in the opposite lanes, but the warnings are repeated over and over, going on while travelling quite a distance. Can anything be done about that?
Thank you Kremmen. Your program is brilliant ! Now I need to know what happens when I want to update. I know I re-download into the same original zipped folder, and then extract and put into the POI loader folder. I expect that the new files will overwrite the old ones, but what happens with Kremmen's program? And if I want to "tweak" his warning times, do I have to remove the files and then re-install the whole thing? I'm not sure if I could face that at the moment! What is the procedure?
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7123 Location: Reading
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:33 am Post subject:
Correct, just download and unzip the latest version into the 'working folder' and use the program option to just unzip the camera files (thanks to WalkerX for that feature).
Once unzipped you will now have the .csv files showing. Then use the 'Process' button which will convert the CSV to GPX and ready to use POILoader again.
Have a close look at my settings as shown as copy them. My settings remove duplicate cameras where they are typically on the same motorway gantry but in opposite directions.
The only setting to ignore is the separate overspeed warning unless you have a separate overspeed.wav file.
The one important feature about POILoader is that you must not have more than one set of camera files in any sub folders under the working folder because POILoader will drag them in.
Once you run my program make a note of the number of GPI cameras it reckons its created. Then when POILoader finishes note the number of cameras it tells you it's uploaded. If they are not the same then you have an issue. _________________ DashCam:
Viofo A119 V3
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