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Garmin nuvifone - will Asia see a launch next month?

pocketgpsworld.comGarmin announced last month that the release of their G60 (Linux powered) nuvifone had been postponed until late 2009.

Despite this, the company has now indicated that they are aiming to release in a number of Asian markets as early as late June.

At the company's annual meeting on Friday, Garmin President Cliff Pemble told shareholders that they will begin selling the much vaunted and oft delayed nuvifone in late June early July but only in Asian markets initially.

With field and operator testing close to completion it appears that there is strong demand from network operators for the handset. Adoption by networks would mean there would be no need to sell the nuvifone SIM free and at full price, instead the networks can offer the phone with a contract at a heavily subsidised price.

Still no news as to when or if the nuvifone will be launched in the U.S. or Europe.

Posted by The Rudd on Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:08 am Reply with quote

I've given up on waiting for it to come out, what chesses me off is that Garmin make a big razmatazz announcemnt and then months later the promised product fizzles out to be forgotten.


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