Spoken POI alerts for TomTom - Reloaded
Date: Friday, June 10 @ 22:47:15 UTC

Click here for the POI alerts instructionsTomTom Spoken warnings for POI alerts Reloaded!

Since a while PocketGPSWorld.com can now replace the original bells and beeps with genuine spoken phrases - for ALL new TomTom platforms.

Since TomTom 5 is now out there are many new builds that need to be considered. To make it a bit easier for you to find the right file we have updated the downloads and instruction page. Let us know how you like it.

For those of you who want to compile your own files - feel free to do so. The source code is available in the thread below (on page 5).

Click here for the download and installation instructions.

Got any comments or questions please click here.

This article comes from Pocket GPS World - SatNavs | GPS | Speed Cameras

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