CES 2016: TomTom launch Highly Automated Driving (HAD) maps
Date: Thursday, January 07 @ 05:56:15 UTC Topic:
 TomTom yesterday announced the launch of Highly Automated Driving (HAD) maps for all Californian interstate roads and for all interstates and freeways in Michigan.
The two states are already being used as testing grounds for driverless cars and TomTom believe the release of this map data for the two states will bring driverless cars closer to reality.
Harold Goddijn, CEO at TomTom said "TomTom is more excited than ever about the prospect of partnering with members of the HAD ecosystem to expedite the innovation that will transform the automotive industry and the way we drive."
HAD maps provide a high accuracy 3D road edge to road edge model of the road. Coupled with TomTom RoadDNA data which delivers a pattern based localisation solution a vehicle will know its precise position even whilst travelling at high speed or when changes occur to the road.
The TomTom HAD map of California covers 12,000 kilometres of interstate and the Michigan HAD map covers 13,000 kilometres or interstate and highway.
Source: TomTom.com
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