Speed Camera Database - subscriber award changes
Date: Friday, October 12 @ 16:07:50 UTC Topic:
 Those of you who are regulars in the forums or who read the Newsletter will know that we recently invited comment on our proposals to modify the Lifetime Member award scheme. A change is necessary to ensure the long term viability of the service as a whole. A whopping 15 page thread ensued (see here) and the consensus was overwhelmingly supportive.
We have now decided on how the service will change moving forwards and so, from 1st November 2012, the subscriber reward offer will be changing as follows.
- Qualifying camera reports from that date will receive a one year subscription, added on to their existing subscription.
- Subscribers will be able to accrue rewards subject to a limit of one award per subscriber per week.
- It will be a condition of any award that a subscription is active both at the time of the report and at the time it enters the active/live database.
- Only reports made by users with full PocketGPSWorld web-site subscriptions will be eligible. This excludes reports made via our CamerAlert iOS apps where the subscription is an Apple in-app type.
- Reports for change of camera type for fixed cameras will no longer be eligible for the reward.
A large number of existing Life Members were supportive of calls for us to revoke all those Life Memberships already awarded. However, we believe such a move would be unfair and consequently existing Life Members will remain Life Members. Instead we will be launching a donation option allowing Life Members the ability to make a contribution. Donations will be entirely voluntary and open to all PocketGPSWorld readers allowing anyone to make a donation if they wish to.
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