EGNOS - Declared OK for aviation
Date: Thursday, March 03 @ 15:32:45 UTC Topic:
EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System, has been formally declared usable for aviation users and for the first time can now be used for guiding aircraft whilst landing.
EGNOS uses three supplementary satellites and a 40-strong network of ground stations to improve the accuracy of GPs signals over Europe and the system has been designed with high reliability and high availability.
Launched in 2009 for non-safety critical usage, it has undergone extensive testing which sees it approved for use in Safety-Of-Life tasks and now adds guidance in the vertical domain.
Whilst larger civil airports have precision landing systems that guide aircraft towards the runway, EGNOs now brings this precision to smaller airports. Operators will need to use certified receivers and obtain approval whilst service providers must publish runway procedures but this announcement will be bring about major improvements in aviation safety. Click here to read more and Click here to discuss...