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News: April Fool's Day - Competition

In years past we have joined in the April Fools' tradition. Some of the spoofs we concocted were very clever, fooled many, and were well received, some were rather less inventive and fooled few and some were rumbled very early in the day.

But rather than follow the crowd and try and compete with some very inventive and complex pranks, this year we've decided to do something completely different and get you to tell us about your pranks.

Instead of our fooling you this year, we want to hear what YOU did to fool others. Using the thread linked below, tell us what pranks you pulled, or what spoofs you have spotted and we'll award a one year subscription to the post we like best.

Please don't spoil the fun for others by posting before midday though! We'll run the competition over the weekend and the winner will be chosen on Monday morning.

Although they won't be considered for the competition, we's also love to hear of any April Fools' Day spoofs you have spotted in the press, magazines, or on other web-sites.

Over to you (after midday tomorrow!).

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Posted on Thursday, March 31 @ 09:17:23 UTC by Darren Griffin

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