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Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:46 am Post subject: Australian mobile cameras
How can I get, mainly, the mobile cameras from thie website below onto my Australian Garmin sat nav and possibly the sat nav in my Mazda car?
They're going to be stopping advising people where their mobile speed camera vehicles will be positioned and taking the signs off their vehicles, so would be useful to have along with the normal sat nav warnings.
Joined: 30/12/2002 17:36:20 Posts: 4919 Location: Oxfordshire, England, UK
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:29 pm Post subject: Re: Australian mobile cameras
Hi freedy50,
freedy50 wrote:
How can I get, mainly, the mobile cameras from thie website below onto my Australian Garmin sat nav and possibly the sat nav in my Mazda car?
Your links provide the approximate location, especially for mobiles, as just a street. I presume that in your part of Australia the streets may be several kilometres long so the locations are worthless.
Your best bet would be to subscribe to the PGPSW database, if you don't already, and install the database onto your Garmin. You can then use the data from the links to be aware of speed camera locations and report those for an extended subscription if they don't already exist in the PGPSW database.
As for installing the database into your Mazda, does the SatNav in your Mazda take custom POIs, if so can the icons of the POIs be shown on the screen, and does the SatNav give proximity warnings?
freedy50 wrote:
They're going to be stopping advising people where their mobile speed camera vehicles will be positioned and taking the signs off their vehicles, so would be useful to have along with the normal sat nav warnings.
Mobile speed cameras can, by their very nature, be set up almost anywhere. Your best bet is to keep to the speed limit, use a decent speed camera database, and if the speed cameras use radar then possibly invest in a decent radar detector. If the speed cameras use laser then a radar/laser detector is a waste of time.
Regards, _________________ Robert.
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
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