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Speed Camera Database for NDrive
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:31 pm    Post subject: Speed Camera Database for NDrive Reply with quote

pocketgpsworld.comNDrive have been around for a while but never really been noticed outside of mainland Europe. That may be set to change quite soon as their Mobile software has recently hit Windows Mobile, Android and iPhone. Further to this you can pick up one of their PND's at Halfords for around £100 at the moment (we hope to get a review unit soon!). With the Christmas rush for cheap SatNav's almost at an end we envisage a surge of queries along the lines of "will the database work with xxx generic SatNav I bought at Halfords" - well for anyone who bought (or receives) one of the NDrive PND's then we are pleased to tell you that, yes, it is! On the Speed Camera Download Page simply select 'NDrive' as your Device.

As this is a new format to us and we don't have a device to test it on then there may be one or two teething issues. If you have any issues then please do tell us in the forum or contact us via our support ticket system.

An official installation guide will be released soon but for now this is how you install the database:
  • Download and extract the database files

  • Explore NDrive's folder structure and copy the extracted KML files to the folder called "speedcams"

  • Start up the NDrive and select "Settings" → "Data Import/Export" → "Import

Note that even if jailbroken these will NOT work on the iPhone version of the software. We are still waiting to hear if they will work on both Android and Windows Mobile versions.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I have the NDrive software on an Archos 5 Android device and have just put the KML files on, however only 1 category at a time can be used, i.e. if you enable gatso's, then mobiles will not show up on the map.

I have 'sort of' got around this by downloading the 'single file' database (as opposed to the preferred 'consolidated by type') and so far this seems to have got around the problem.

I think this must be an issue with the NDrive software, but it still seems a bit odd??

Hope this helps,

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

as i've no unit yet to test it with i was basing all the file structure etc on a handful of emails from ndrive!! i hope to be receving one of their PND's soon and i will also query with them about the android version being able to use multiple files!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:10 pm    Post subject: Android and NDrive Reply with quote

MaFt wrote:
as i've no unit yet to test it with i was basing all the file structure etc on a handful of emails from ndrive!! i hope to be receving one of their PND's soon and i will also query with them about the android version being able to use multiple files!


Hi MaFt,

I tried the GPS Files, singularly, multipily and as a consolidated file and these have failed to load on my device. Crying or Very sad

My platform is

HTC Magic Phone device
Android ver 1.5
NDrive 9.3.07

I'd really appreciate some help as the only other guide for putting cameras into my device is the "FAVOURITE IMPORT / EXPORT
REFERENCE GUIDE" from NDrive and that doesn't work either. The KML generated by my version of google earth (5.1.3533.1731). is not recognised. I'm sure this functionality works as there is a method to download POIs from NDrive and this generates a MySQL database on the device. The even have a UK cameras but I'm not so sure of the quality and I'd really like to get a PGPSW file live.

I've got a unit as described to test and I'm more than happy to lend a hand/expertise/equipement.


Alex Endean
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

according to ndrive:

connect to the computer, view contents. find the NDrive folder and then copy the kml file into the 'favourites' folder.

start ndrive and go to menu / settings / data import/export / import favourites and the kml file(s) should show up in there.

select it., choose an icon etc and let it import.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The way I installed the kml files was as instructed in the above guide, however I first had to create a folder called speedcams (lowercase) as one did not previously exist. The rest of the installation was pretty much as described in the pdf guide from ndrives website, although you must remember to select 'speed alerts' to import and not 'favourites'.

I also could not choose any other icon than the default one (a policeman).
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sorry, yes, they should be put in a folder called 'speedcams'

'favourites' folder is for normal pois as opposed to speed cameras.

Now explore NDrive’s folder structure and copy the recently created “kml” file, into
the folder “speedcams”.

Start up the NDrive and select “Settings” / “Data Import/Export” / “Import
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, MaFt, Darren or other staff.

I have just got a Orange San Francisco [ZTE Blade], early Birthday Present Cake.

I have had it unlocked, and rooted to an Android Thumbs Up

And have Installed NDrive which seem to work fine to use on short trips, as I am hoping it will save me having use my Garmin 1490 on said short trips.

My Question, is do I have [or how] to pay for another Database subscription, as the rules say something about me having two other SatNav's of which I do not, but I not see what to do about a Phone.

That if the Database will work with NDrive on it.

I have not downloaded it to try yet, because I need to if I should pay first.

Also what type of Database should be used with NDrive.

Any Advice and help with this will be much appreciated.
With regards
Take Care
TheQuest Cool
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TheQuest wrote:

My Question, is do I have [or how] to pay for another Database subscription, as the rules say something about me having two other SatNav's of which I do not, but I not see what to do about a Phone.

No, you're fine.....

The exact wording of the rules is:
A subscription allows you to use the Speed Camera Warning Database on a maximum of three devices owned by you or members of your immediate family who live at the same address (Note: Of the three devices, only ONE may be a CamerAlert installation).

(From the Terms & Conditions)

"Devices" includes phones.
CamerAlert is only available on the iPhone.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, Andy_P

Thank you for your reply at this time of the night or should I say morning. Smile

Do you know what sort of Database I should use? :- UK - Single file with all Cameras or UK - Consolidated by type. Confused

Many Thanks once again.
With regards
Take Care
TheQuest Cool
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did you get anywhere with this? We still need to establish if it works on Android and if so, what the correct procedure is.
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 9:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi All, here is my NDrive technique:

HTC Wildfire, NDrive 11.0.07

I use Linux so Windows users may have a different experience!

Download consolidated zip file.
Open it.
Plug in PDA (USB) and when it opens on the PC go to NDrive/speedcams/
Delete any old files
Drag pocketgps_uk_sc.kml into NDrive/speedcams/
Unmount PDA
In NDrive, go to Menu/My NDrive/Data import/Import safety cameras.
Select file and it will import.

What I want to know is why the variable speed cams on the M25 between the A3 and M40 don't show up?

Cheers, Frank.
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:21 pm    Post subject: M25 cameras missing! Reply with quote

I made a mistake in my previous post.

I meant the single file with all cameras, NOT consolidated.

But I have a problem with both files. I have just driven from Brighton to Hemel Hempstead and back and in each direction on the M25 between the A3 and the M40 and only 2 of the many gatsos were reported.

This evening I have loaded both the consolidated and the single file and I can see no difference between them. To be specific, camera 14663, 14293 & 10704 and most of the others on the M25 are not on my NDrive. Also 67902 on the M23 and I am sure there are others. I am beginning to wonder if NDrive is really importing the files or is it's database is still the one that came with the program.

Can GPS World clarify please?

Regards, Frank.
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Pocket GPS Staff
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:36 pm    Post subject: Re: M25 cameras missing! Reply with quote

Watchmaker wrote:
But I have a problem with both files. I have just driven from Brighton to Hemel Hempstead and back and in each direction on the M25 between the A3 and the M40 and only 2 of the many gatsos were reported.

This evening I have loaded both the consolidated and the single file and I can see no difference between them. To be specific, camera 14663, 14293 & 10704 and most of the others on the M25 are not on my NDrive. Also 67902 on the M23 and I am sure there are others. I am beginning to wonder if NDrive is really importing the files or is it's database is still the one that came with the program.

Can GPS World clarify please?

Regards, Frank.

Each of the cameras you mention, except for 67902, are variable speed. the latter is 70mph. As the 70 one isn't showing up either then at least it's not in how the speed part of it is handled.

just downloaded the single file version for ndrive and had a look at the contents (open it in a plain text editor like notepad or similar). All of those are in the downloaded file.

Until you mentioned the mobile at 70 I was suspecting that ndrive simply didn't like the 'speed=0' that we need to use for variable speed. however, the 'speed=70' also seems to be missing when imported. as such i'd pass the blame onto ndrive - perhaps they have a limit on the size of files it can import?

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi MaFt, I just had another go with the single file but still no joy.

The importing process completes and claims success.

Have you actually tested an Android/NDrive yourself?

If not, I think you may need to.

It's late. Off to bed!

Regards, Frank.
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