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Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:18 pm Post subject: Talex lite - Using the PocketGPSWorld database
I've been fiddling around with the talex lite / novus delta (same thing) and I reckon I could get the PocketGPSWorld database running on it. Haven't ironed out all the final details but should be possible.
Just wondering if you guys would be interested in a tool to convert the PocketGPSWorld database into a format suitable for the Talex? Seems like there are quite a few disgruntled customers out there...
I can currently extract the coords of camera positions from the talex firmware... still a long way to go - need to figure out how they are doing directional alerts etc.
Does any body have an older novus update? I.e. one before v8023. Would be helpful to compare with the current version
As regards legality, I'm currently dumping the firmware using freely available tools (it actually comes with the novus/talex updaters if you know where to look) and then just going through the hex looking for patterns in the data. No disassembly. Plus, if I ever release a tool, it will distribute no copyrighted content, so I really can't see any legal issues arrising.
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7158 Location: Reading
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:30 am Post subject: Re: pocketgpsworld database on the Talex lite
silentwol wrote:
I've been fiddling around with the talex lite / novus delta (same thing) and I reckon I could get the pocketgpsworld database running on it. Havn't ironed out all the final details, but should be possible.
Just wondering if you guys would be interested in a tool to convert the pocketgpsworld database into a format suitable for the Talex? Seems like there are quite a few disgruntled customers out there...
Joined: 11/07/2002 14:36:40 Posts: 23848 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:33 am Post subject:
Sounds good. I still have a Talex gathering dust on a shelf here. It only as a serial cable and I don't have any computers with serial ports left here! _________________ Darren Griffin
I believe that the lite/full devices are exactly the same in terms of hardware - only the firmware differs (On a side note, I think it would be fairly easy to 'upgrade' a lite to a full) and I'd imagine that the coords are stored in the same way. So if I can get it working on my lite, then it should be fairly easy to get it working on the full version. Failing that, you could downgrade the full version to the lite version.
Unfortunantly the talex seems use a fairly odd method of detecting when cameras are coming up - a bit more advanced than just the coord and the bearing. Looks like you couldn't just plug in the PGPSW data and get full direction detection.
I still havn't worked out what another large block of data actually is... hopefully when I do, all will become clear.
Out of interest, does anyone know how many cameras talex claim to have in their database?
Out of interest, does anyone know how many cameras talex claim to have in their database?
They have never to my knowledge made any public statements of numbers either before the break up or since.
Thanks, and thanks for the sample data MaFt
Could someone with the full fat talex and the latest novus firmware do me a huge favour? I could do with a firmware dump to compare it with the lite version. I have a suspicion that the large amount of data that still isn't making much sense is in fact the POI data used in the full talex (e.g. school locations etc). I'd like to see whats on a full talex just to confirm or deny this.
To take a dump, plug in your talex and set it to DL (as if you were doing an update). Download this file (http://clowt.com/dumper.zip), extract it and open dump.cmd with notepad. Where it says 'firmware.bin -l 1' change the 1 to the com port number you use in the talex updater. For example, I use COM1, so I set it to 1. Once you've edited that, save it and run dump.cmd. It'll take a couple of minutes and will create a file called firmware.bin. Please zip this up and email it to jack (at) freepop3.net or upload it to rapidshare or something. Also, please feel free to check the cmd file for anything malicious and virus scan the exe file. I assure you there's nothing dodgey in there, but I'm some random guy with 3 posts, so I can understand caution! This program sirfflashcl is actually the program that the novus/talex updaters use to update the talex.. it gets extracted to the temp folder during an update and does the actual hard work - the updater you see is just a fancy GUI with a pretty progress bar
This shouldn't fry your talex (it's set to read mode), but please make sure your fairly confident with editing the cmd file etc, since the wrong command can hose your talex. If no one gets this done, then I'll try upgrading my lite... but that's a bit more risky.
Or even the .csv file that the extremely helpfull MaFt includes in the MioMap download .zip
Silentwal. Might I suggest that you remove your email from 2 posts up as an anti SPAM measure
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