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Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:51 pm Post subject: TT720 loses favourites, loses home etc after update
This is the second time in a month this has happened to me. This morning I had set it up with a route when I suddenly got the "I agree" screen, and then it fired up without my favourites, home location, speed cameras etc.
I did an update yesterday. This evening, I did a "restore" but, as happened before, it got stuck at start-up and I had to reinstall the application. I ran the flash tool this evening.
Joined: Jan 14, 2005 Posts: 19638 Location: Blackpool , Lancs
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:34 pm Post subject:
It could be the built in memory is on the way out, we have seen a number of posts from users with x20 devices that are experiancing issues with dying memory on the device.
Easy answer to prolong the use of the device, get a decent capacity SD or SDHC memory card and transfer everything to that, insert the card in to the device and carry on - Your 720 can support up to and including 32GB SDHC memory cards, but unless you need loads of music on the card a 4GB or 8GB card will be more than addequate. Even a 16GB class 6 card costs under £20 these days - Mike
I also have a problem with my 920, it freezes on the start up screen for approx 2mins, then it re-boots, then it follows with the I agree screen. It then finds my location. I have not had a problem with favorites or home. I have tried installing the application but no luck.
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