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Instructions for Fitting Audio socket to the Tom Tom One V2
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:17 pm    Post subject: Instructions for Fitting Audio socket to the Tom Tom One V2 Reply with quote

This task cost me £7.79
Parts used.


1 X 470 OHM RESISTOR 0.50P


Remove the 4 screws on the rear on your tomtom which are the T8 size.
Then split the two halfs of the tomtom.
Now that you have split the two halfs they are still joined by two sets of cables.
One set is for the battery and the other set is for the speaker.
Gently work the little white plug`s off there mounting sockets.
Above photo shows the screen side of the tomtom.

Above photo shows the rear of the tomtom with the two sets of cables detached from the front screen side.It also shows the internal speaker.

The battery is held in place with a little sticky tape on the rear of it.
I gently used a small flat tip screwdriver to lever it off from the case.
The photo above shows that the battery has been removed and it also shows where we are to mount the headphone socket highlighted by red circle.
When you fit the headphone socket there is a little plastic section which is part of the moulding,you will see this when you try to sit the headphone socket in place.
This needs to be removed but only a small amount in order for the headphone socket to sit in nice and flush.
This will become clear when you try it.
You will need to judge where the headphone socket is to sit but i put mine directly below the reset button.
I drilled a 5mm hole and then used a nail file just to clean up where i removed the plastic moulding as mentioned just now and also around the area where the sd card passes through.
If you have judged it right the headphone socket does not get in the way of the sd card slot.
The sd card fits in nicely and just skims over the headphone socket which is good as i have not hit the sd card since,thus popping out by mistake anymore.

The photo above now shows the headphone socket in place highlighted by red circle.

This is the wiring configuration to make this task happen.
It shows the internal speaker of the tomtom,a 470 ohm resistor,the headphone socket 2.5mm.This is the schematic picture thus showing the headphone speakers on the left hand side of the picture.
Basically you are to cut into the original speaker wiring and add a little extra.
If you cant read the drawing above or cant solder etc take the rear case of the tomtom to say your local corner shop tv repair man with the drawing and get him to do it for you,like i did.
When you have soldered the wire together you will see that they are routed to the left hand side of the tomtom.The next photo will show this.
The resistor is used so that when the headphones are plugged in the volume will then be a little quieter than it was without.
You could also use a variable resistor to achieve the same result.

This is the wiring complete and you can see the headphone socket and 470 ohm resistor in place highlighted in red circle.
It shows the wiring going up the left hand side of the tomtom,there is a channel for this.
Put a little tape over your solder joints if you have left them bare and also over the resistor just in case.
I put a small amount of double sided tape on the rear or the battery before i installed it back into its case just to stop it moving around.
The battery will sit nice and snug against the top of the headphone socket.
You now need to refit your 2 white plugs,ie speaker and battery connections to the front section of the case.
Pop together the two halfs of your tomtom and replace the 4 x T8 screws.

This is what the end result should look like.I only had a set of headphones with a 3.5mm end so i had to fit a conversion piece to take it down to 2.5mm,so by looking at the photo the jack plug looks quite long.I have now got the correct 2.5mm end and have replaced the ends you see in the photo thus making the jack plug about 2" smaller.
The speakers i had were stereo "2 speakers" and as the tomtom is mono "1 speaker" i had to join the wires together when i fitted the jack plug,so now the voice instructions come out of both speakers.
If you do not do this with the stereo speakers you will only get the voice instructions out of one speaker,if you have a mono headset not a problem as you have only one speaker for it it operate.

Here is the tomtom on my bike using the Ram mount system.
This is a different type of tomtom cradel as this one wraps around the tomtom nice and snug,over a 30 mile test drive the tomtom still sits snug in the cradel.The part number is as follows RAM-HOL-T04.
This cradel cost me £7.99 + p&p.

Another view of the unit in place.
When doing certain speeds i could still hear the voice instructions with no problems at all.

I will not be held responsible if you mess your tomtom up or invalidate the warranty.
If you have read these instructions and feel this task is to big for you then it probably is.
I found it easy and took me 1 hour.
Obviously i have to do all the leg work getting the correct resistor and finding the correct size headphone socket but as i have done that you should not have much to do and once you have the parts should take 20 minutes.

I have used different speakers with different value resistors and found that the 470 ohm was the best for me.I do not think this will be any kind of issue when using your standard in ear system.

Good luck and if anyone does have a go let other people know on here how easy it was.

Thanks and have fun..

Last edited by IPBR21054 on Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:42 pm; edited 11 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Neat installation - well done, makes a change someone taking a unit to bits and adding things that were never intended, add the mp3 software and some music to the SD card then you have entertainment available while riding - Mike
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you have or where do i get the mp3 software you mention.
Am i correct in thinking that when i am listening to the music it then mutes itself when a voice instruction is broadcast.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has anyone had a go at this headphone mod yet ?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking to do this on a Tomtom Version 3. Was wondering if you would be prepared for a job IPBR? All parts and labour will be paid for. As well as expense for your troubles.

Any help would be awesome.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What wattage resistor is needed.
I've seen them as 0.25W, 1W, 3W 7W etc - the higher the wattage the bigger the resistor casing.

I am guesisng 3w would be about right, but would 1w be okay?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm also thinking of using a 3.5mm audio socket (no adapter needed for headphones) - would this fit in the TomTom case? (Mines V2)
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

banny69 wrote:
What wattage resistor is needed.
I've seen them as 0.25W, 1W, 3W 7W etc - the higher the wattage the bigger the resistor casing.

I am guesisng 3w would be about right, but would 1w be okay?


Not sure what wattage it was just know it was a 470 ohm.Not sure on the values of the wattage as to what a 1w or a 7w would do.
To be honest i went into maplins and asked for a 470 ohm resistor.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

banny69 wrote:
I'm also thinking of using a 3.5mm audio socket (no adapter needed for headphones) - would this fit in the TomTom case? (Mines V2)

I first looked at a 3.5mm socket but when i put it inside the case and tried to close it together it was not possible,and i had searched through lots of them.
So i then used a 2.5mm socket and worked perfect,i have supplied the part number that i used from maplins.
The headphones i had at the time had a 3.5mm end on it and to make sure the mod worked i bought a converter so i could plug the headphone into the convertor then into the unit.
I did this as maplins never had a 2.5mm jack in stock at the time.

I have since then bought a 2.5mm end and swapped it over and now nice and neat.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking at the size of the resistor fitted that will be no greater than half a watt, you would never get a 7 watt resistor inside the spare space within the One Shocked - Mike
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikealder wrote:
Looking at the size of the resistor fitted that will be no greater than half a watt, you would never get a 7 watt resistor inside the spare space within the One Shocked - Mike

Got some resistors and a 2.5mm and 3.5mm socket to see which will fit.

The resistors are 0.25w IIRC, the higher the wattage the bigger the resistor.

Got a few different ones from Maplin, only about 15p each and free P&P at the moment Smile

I will have a go this weekend (hopefully!)
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Did you cut into the red wire or the black.

Does it matter which one, I am guessing not as they are only headphones

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

banny69 wrote:
mikealder wrote:
Looking at the size of the resistor fitted that will be no greater than half a watt, you would never get a 7 watt resistor inside the spare space within the One Shocked - Mike

Got some resistors and a 2.5mm and 3.5mm socket to see which will fit.

The resistors are 0.25w IIRC, the higher the wattage the bigger the resistor.

Got a few different ones from Maplin, only about 15p each and free P&P at the moment Smile

I will have a go this weekend (hopefully!)

If you use the 2.5 socket i used and part number supplied on the first post at the top it will fly in there thats providing you have a TT v2.
I had tried a few 3.5 and all were to big,these were also from maplins so i assume you might be fitting the 2.5 socket if you want the case to shut that is..
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

banny69 wrote:

Did you cut into the red wire or the black.

Does it matter which one, I am guessing not as they are only headphones


Good question as i did not specify did i.
I think that the red wire was the center connection and the black wire was the outside connection which is then earth on the outside on the socket.
When you have done it let me know and i will edit a previous postt.
I cant look at mine as i have some tap on it and dont wish to disturb it.
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