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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:07 pm    Post subject: A - 10 " One Touch " Reply with quote

A few references to One Touch in the latest posts. How do you access it and what does it do ??
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:13 pm    Post subject: Re: A - 10 " One Touch " Reply with quote

michael100 wrote:
A few references to One Touch in the latest posts. How do you access it and what does it do ??

Settings / scroll down to and select Button control / in Hidden Map Buttons field select One Click / Hit "Done"
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:07 pm    Post subject: Night riding + battery Reply with quote

Hi PloddinPedro,
I agree it will be great to have the website up and running to plot routes etc.
I ride off road in the dark using a Lupine Wilma (only £450 !). The beam is terrific, actually too bright for the road, I have to use the dimmed setting for roadwork. Interestingly, the bag battery is good for 4 hours + and the fixing (velcro wrap) is great for under stem or under crossbar.
The A10 is superb at night at around 40%. I have yet to try it in bright sunlight and agree 4 hours is probably beyond the current battery configuration. I'm not sure when Satmap are launching their own rechargeable unit ? It might be what we need.
Have you tried using the one touch feature together with power saving ? I know its not ideal to have the screen off, but there are usually plenty of stretches where you don't have to have it on.
So maybe Satmap's own rechargeable unit or a light bag battery such as the lupine.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:05 pm    Post subject: MTB use Reply with quote

Hi All
Thanks for the replies to my questions regarding use on MTB. Very very helpful.
Some more questions I'm afraid...
1) If you're speeding down a track with a high frequency of turnings left and right and one of them is the one you want, does the device update your location on the display frequently enough for you to not have gone past the turning before the display refreshes?
2) Perhaps you current users might describe how you use the device - do you tend to look at it before a new "section" and mentally note "about 400 yards turn left" (like using a map) or do you ride on regardless and glance at the device to see whether you should have changed direction?
3) Reading back through the messages there are conflicting messages on battery life with one user reporting days of use and others reporting a few hours. Can anyone clarify this please?
Thanks again.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:21 pm    Post subject: battery life etc Reply with quote

Hi Maultby,
I've found the device keeps your position centred within a constantly moving circle. I have no problem seeing whats coming up in detail. If you know there are quite a few turns in close proximity, just zoom in. I think its accurate to within a metre from what I can see.
I've even found tracks in the dark that I had'nt realised were there in daylight !
I find I look at the A10 as I need to. You get used to the zoom scale you are viewing, it seems to be quite intuitive after a while.
Remember, this is all using my 1:50,000 half GB map. I can't wait for the 1:25,000 !
I still think you'll be lucky with 4 hours battery time unless you play around with backlight and power off/ screen save settings. It just seems that a 3.5" colour screen sucks power if you use it full on.
I find Satmap extremely helpful, just ask them about settings v battery type and your predicted use.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I don't ride offroad but some Cornish roads are very similar, so I use my Active 10 to show me what's coming up anywhere up to the next kilometre or 1.5 kilometres (depending on N-S or W-E direction I'm riding) and where to turn and for that it's quite simple just like following a map while walking....I don't have to zoom in or spend ages with my eyes off the road to do that....it's not like I have to go round an exact tree in the middle of a forest...I can't imagine a MTBer having to do that either surely they will be following marked tracks or riding 'off piste' and finding their own way whilst the A10 shows them where they are in the lump of green. I do draw the line at panning around the map whilst riding fast though!! Laughing

Question 2.....if I was planning to use it in the way you described first I would've saved myself £424 and used screencaps of Memory Map uploaded to my camera as I have for the last couple of years.

I ride and glance at the screen as I ride and see the road coming up on the screen, see it in real life and turn....even in a network of unsignposted yellow roads that I've never been to before....somebody following mwe would think I know tyhe place like the back of my hand. As I pass a castley looking thing on a hill to the side of me I look at the screen and see what it's name is....as I go over a river or past some woods or through a hamlet I see what the name of it as I ride etc etc
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:38 pm    Post subject: screen scratches Reply with quote

I've got two really distracting gouges on my A10 screen underneath the screen protector Crying or Very sad I'm not sure how I got them, having only ever taken the protector off once to blow dust away using a photo blower brush. They're quite wide and deep and run parallel to each other approx. 45-degrees to the bottom edge of the screen - I'm wondering whether the act of removing and replacing the protector might be risking gouging the screen underneath with any bits of grit that are trapped in between? Does anyone have any advice for removing or reducing the appearance of such marks? At this rate, my screen's going to look pretty nasty before long...
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:06 am    Post subject: Re: screen scratches Reply with quote

lucevans wrote:
I've got two really distracting gouges on my A10 screen underneath the screen protector ............... Does anyone have any advice for removing or reducing the appearance of such marks?

As I mentioned in previous posts, both my cover and inner screens were etched by drying rainwater and the use of a good quality microfibre cloth (as provided with expensive spectacles) to remove this only caused fine scratches on both screens. I came quickly to the conclusion that the screen material is far too soft. Continual rubbing it to clean or dry it will quickly fog it with fine scratches.
I've discarded the top cover, to avoid the trapped rainwater problem, and applied a PDA protective film screen protector to the main screen. Since I use my Active 10 primarily for cycling and thus handlebar mounted, it's fairly unlikely to suffer much in the way of knocks in use but I can understand someone using the unit for walking worrying about damage if they drop it. The advice I got from Satmap was simply to remove the cover to dry the main screen but my feeling is that the cover will not stand up to repeated removal for very long. I guess you makes your choice and takes your chances.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:14 am    Post subject: Re: screen scratches Reply with quote

PloddinPedro wrote:
my feeling is that the cover will not stand up to repeated removal for very long.

That's exactly what I thought when I saw the covers were being sold in packs of three for £15.....if they were robust and long lasting it would be packs of 1 for £15.

As it is when it rains now I'll be stickinging a bag round it to stop water getting under the protector.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:40 am    Post subject: Re: screen scratches Reply with quote

robs1972 wrote:
PloddinPedro wrote:
my feeling is that the cover will not stand up to repeated removal for very long.

That's exactly what I thought when I saw the covers were being sold in packs of three for £15.....if they were robust and long lasting it would be packs of 1 for £15.

As it is when it rains now I'll be stickinging a bag round it to stop water getting under the protector.

Have you seen these waterproof bags HERE? this might be more suitable than a plastic bag.

They even have a sports bag with an arm or leg strap which could be very useful, the bag floats, but if submerged is guaranteed submersible to 30ft/10m, it is also dust and sand-proof too.

I know the A10 might be difficult to adjust through all the plastic, but once set it would be ok for a while covered, until better conditions are found to remove it from the bag and adjust it.

THIS SITE has several on offer, i'm not sure if they are the cheapest Aquapac's around, but it is a starting point.
TomTom Go 60
Garmin Nüvi 660, Firmware v4.90
Drive-Smart GPS with Loader v1.4.16
HTC Advantage X7500 MS 6.1 Tchart Speed Sentry
Satmap Active 10, Software v1.16
Fuzion 32 HUD Bluetooth GPS receiver
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:53 pm    Post subject: MTB usage Reply with quote

Thanks to all for the excellent answers on usage.

I have received an email from Lewis Noble at Satmap about the screens.
He has stated that the actual display screen is made of glass and should'nt get scratched, however if it did they can offer a screen replacement service at a small cost.
He also stated that they are now starting to produce the screen covers out of a harder material.
He also stated that the Sat-Sync software would be available for download end of next week.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:39 pm    Post subject: Re: MTB usage Reply with quote

maultby wrote:
....... Lewis Noble at Satmap ........ has stated that the actual display screen is made of glass
"GLASS" !!! - if it is, it's the strangest glass I've seen - mine is quite flexible, bowing easily under thumb pressure and definitely sounds plastic when I tap it with a fingernail - and it definitely scratches easily!
maultby wrote:
He also stated that the Sat-Sync software would be available for download end of next week.
That's what they said last week and the week before, and .....
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:37 pm    Post subject: Re: MTB usage Reply with quote

maultby wrote:
Thanks to all for the excellent answers on usage.

I have received an email from Lewis Noble at Satmap about the screens.
He has stated that the actual display screen is made of glass and should'nt get scratched, however if it did they can offer a screen replacement service at a small cost.

That's good if they'll do that....anyone with a reasonably priced watch will know that glass scratches.


He also stated that they are now starting to produce the screen covers out of a harder material.

Sapphire crystal please!!! Very Happy


He also stated that the Sat-Sync software would be available for download end of next week.

We'll see about that!!! Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:13 am    Post subject: MTB usage Reply with quote

I'm beginning to feel like a customer service rep for SatMap and I don't even have a unit (yet!)
Lewis Noble's email reply:
The actual screen is glass, but on top of the glass is a separate acrylic layer. Then obviously on top of that, there is the removable screen cover. Scratching can be caused to the acrylic layer by constantly removing the screen cover. So like mentioned before, if you were to damage the glass screen, acrylic layer or protective screen cover, they can be easily replaced for a small cost.

Sounds ideal to me.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:29 pm    Post subject: Re: MTB usage Reply with quote

maultby wrote:
Then obviously on top of that, there is the removable screen cover. Scratching can be caused to the acrylic layer by constantly removing the screen cover.

Yep....so even though the unit is waterproof electrically speaking, water getting under the protector needs to be removed or it affects the acrylic layer or the underside of the protector due to etching and continual removal of the cover can harm the acrylic layer and the protective cover....so I see the potential in a Satmap branded transparent shower cap device Very Happy ....probably for £14.99 Confused Laughing !!!
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