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V1.5 Software upgrade now available
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:18 pm    Post subject: V1.5 Software upgrade now available Reply with quote

V1.5 upgrade, plus SatSync upgrade is now available from the Satmap web site.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unless I've missed it somehow, I can't see from their website anywhere telling us in any detail what the changes are in v1.5

I'm not upgrading unless I can have 100% screen backlight when in Power Save mode, something they took away for some unaccountable reason in the previous release!
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Here you are:-


The one I am most interested in is the Sun Filter.

Oh and at last we have different colours for routes,whoopee!!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Bosun - the change I most like (to my surprise) is the sun filter which I find works amazingly well.
Satmap A10. Platform 21
Software version 1.5.9193
Satsync 1.525
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bosun wrote:

Oh and at last we have different colours for routes,whoopee!!


I tried using "find" in Adobe Reader to locate this function in the user gude.

Actually spelt COLOR !!

Grrrrr Have they completely sold out to US?
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Bosun. I too am interested in any change that makes the A10 more easily readable in bright light.

A lot of stuff about POIs (and now "OOIs") that will take a bit of study but which could be good. Also, changes to Routes which sound as though they may have addressed the issue of the Route marking obscuring the map detail.

But it's all useless if I can't have 100% backlight in Advanced Power Save mode!!
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

4ndynorfolk wrote:
Bosun wrote:

Oh and at last we have different colours for routes,whoopee!!


I tried using "find" in Adobe Reader to locate this function in the user gude.

Actually spelt COLOR !!

Grrrrr Have they completely sold out to US?

As we know from another thread Andy they have certainly sold us up the river regarding the rubber case price compared with the USA.

I wonder if there is a US takeover of Satmap in the offing.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cripes! Seems like quite a major update. After the daunting task of the download not working first time I made the cardinal sin of failing to write down my current settings/set up before updating and have to now go through it all again. *runs off for the manual* Embarassed

It certainly does seem quicker when in planning and I like the cache icons on the OOI list. I think they might have over-egged the pudding though on the OOI/LOI/IOI/ etc., but that's probably just me.

As for selling out to the USA, I note now that when I visit the SatMap site, it says I've reached the site from a non-US area and I have to now click to proceed to the UK site. Hmmm...

Other than that, I think it's looking ok.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Buckleberry wrote:
Cripes! Seems like quite a major update. After the daunting task of the download not working first time I made the cardinal sin of failing to write down my current settings/set up before updating and have to now go through it all again. *runs off for the manual* Embarassed

It certainly does seem quicker when in planning and I like the cache icons on the OOI list. I think they might have over-egged the pudding though on the OOI/LOI/IOI/ etc., but that's probably just me.

As for selling out to the USA, I note now that when I visit the SatMap site, it says I've reached the site from a non-US area and I have to now click to proceed to the UK site. Hmmm...

Other than that, I think it's looking ok.

Same happened to me,didn't work the first time and settings all went back to "Default" when it did eventually work.

They changed their URL last week.

Originally satmap.com took you to the UK site.

The UK site is now satmap.co.uk and the USA site is .com

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PloddinPedro wrote:
But it's all useless if I can't have 100% backlight in Advanced Power Save mode!!

Unfortunately you will be disappointed that you can only have 80% backlight in advance power mode Crying or Very sad

But, I don't think it is fair to say it is all useless without it. In my humble opinion there are some fantastic new features in the new sofware and an improved satsyc, for sure it will depend on what you use satmap for. Geocachers are going to be blown away with it. Shocked

Some of the new features.

Arrow Download pictures if valid link in GPX, KML/KMZ - Top feature for geocaching.
Arrow Option to apply a warning radius of 161m to all POIs imported - useful for everyone but even better for geocachers as it's the minimum distance between caches!
Arrow Option to assign a smiley face to geocaches that you import that you've found.
Arrow Option to use GC code or Cache name on import
Arrow New choice of route colours
Arrow Create IOI - Items of Interests - sort of a note feature with no co-ords
Arrow Import a geotagged picture as a POI
Arrow Import an ungeotagged picture as an IOI - Item of Interest
Arrow Create LOI lines of interest - ines to you and me
Arrow Create AOI areas of interests - polygons basically
Arrow Create Grids - good for search and rescue and survey work
Arrow Sun Filter (not brill for geocaching but walkers may like it)
Arrow Set Visibility of POIs at cache folder or all level - yep it's back we missed it.
Arrow List "nearby" routes and POIs by clicking on a map object.
Arrow Quickly make a POI not visible by clicking on it and flicking the joystick to the right - which also means the nearest POI distance is updated with the real nearest POI distance
Arrow Choice of route colours
Arrow Choice of AOI colours and patterns
Arrow Seperate geotagging program
Arrow Seperate file convertor program
Arrow A KMZ file is created automatically when you geotag pictures - great fun with Google Earth.
Arrow Export Routes as KMZ file - yet more fun with google earth
Arrow Import POI's on the fly from Google Earth. - e.g. search for PUBs, save the KMZ and import them.
Arrow Import Road directions from Google Earth and Maps.

I'm sure you will find some more.... Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a big database of local lanes: a couple of thousand of them. If I upload them as routes, the Satmap takes ages to boot up (5 mins!) and if you zoom out to far it throws a wobbly, needing a reset. Since this morning's update to 1.5, I have exported tle lanes and reimported them as LOIs (Lines of Interest) and it works really well - the screen is clearer, the Satmap is more responsive and it doesn't fall in a heap if you zoom out too far. The labels on the lanes are not as clear, but I'll happily live with that for the other benefits.

Good one, guys Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm liking the update too, especially the images and faster scrolling through POI lists. I got a bit freaked at first 'cause I hadn't realized it had reset so many settings and I wasn't even aware of the buttons "2 click" activation setting so I thought it was unresponsive after the update, cause I had to push buttons more than once to get them to do anything. I was very relieved to find this was a (existing) setting.

I've yet to test it with a load of caches, I know that when I tried to load it with over 2 or 300 caches before it could freeze after the import, having to take out the battery to get it to respond. After that it would work normally. Until the next import that is. But I found it's hard to read the map when you have so many caches loaded and you try to zoom out to see general areas. Now that you can hide all POIs it might make it a lot easier.

A few things I still miss though, mainly things that are sometimes needed for geocaching, namely a custom warning radius (with some multi caches you get different distances from three points where the intersection is your next point, had one of those the other day and had to depend on a garmin owner to calculate that), dutch (RD) grid, and waypoint projection, which you basically can do just by moving around the map to a certain distance and the number of degrees needed but it is a bit of a hassle when it's not just straight north, south, east or west. I'll be mailing these to satmap, hopefully they can be included sometime.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't upgraded yet from 1.42. Can I go straight to 1.5 and perhaps avoid the lost for full brightness which I find I need in stong light or do I need to upgrade to 1.45 and then 1.5. Any help/advice would be appreciated. Do the plus points out weigh the negatives?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lostme asked about upgrades.

You can always ask Satmap but as the upgrading is now handled by Satsync there seems no reason to worry. Just upgrade Satsync (no problems there that I am aware of) and then let it upgrade the A10 for you.

I don't think this will stop the brightness being limited to 80% under power-saving but I do think you will find visibility much improved in bright light by the sun filter option. I think you will find the upgrade well worth while. And hopefully painless!
Satmap A10. Platform 21
Software version 1.5.9193
Satsync 1.525
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am well impressed with the V1.5 upgrade, If we can expect more like that, then I am a happy chappy, It is a completely new machine, Christmas all over again..
I have spent the past few days getting to grips with the OOh's and Ahh's, Looks like the Rescue Teams have got something good to work with, I like the Area's of Interest, lets you get a overall picture of the area at a glance.

Well Done The Satmap Team.
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