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Joined: 11/07/2002 14:36:40 Posts: 23848 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:40 pm Post subject:
Allan_whoops wrote:
More importantly it calls into question all the other links and the business' reputations as being honourable sellers by having one company which seems to be causing problems. One has to ask, how many of the other links are for businesses with dubious sales practices?
Buyers are free to report any business of whom they have had bad service, no-one has been singled out and buyers can make their own decisions as a consequence. _________________ Darren Griffin
Joined: Jun 25, 2005 Posts: 802 Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:42 pm Post subject:
I bought a powered mount for my Mio 168 last year from PDA Mods. Unfortunately it has come adrift from the windscreen more than a couple of times and the cradle cracked, the speaker also gave up the ghost, probably due to being a little upset at crashing to the floor more than once!! I paid £39.99 for it last year (you can see my post about it somewhere on here if you are interested). I did email them asking if I could just buy the cradle and I received a response within 3 hours.
I kooked on ebay and superdog was selling them at £24.99 buy it now with £4.95 p&p. The PDA Mods site was selling it for £19.99 + £2.99 p&p so I ordered it on Sunday afternoon. The item was delivered on Tuesday morning and is happily working away in my van.
I appreciate that my view is not the same as most postings on here, but I have been happy with my purchases on both the occasions I have used them. That said, I have not had a faulty item that needed replacing and as such cannot comment on that side of the business.
Mark _________________ Garmin Drivesmart 51 LMT-D Europe
Joined: Jun 13, 2005 Posts: 808 Location: The Deep South
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:02 pm Post subject:
PDAMods use lots of guises to sell their gear. I bought something on eBay from a private seller and when it arrived, it was faulty. I sent it back and the address to send it to was VIVO in London, the same place as the other faulty item I got from PDAMods.
Both looked cheap imitations and the desk cradle, when plugged into my laptop, drew so much power from the laptop, three of the USB things stopped working! Took out the USB cradle and they all came back on. That is no coincidence! Also the three pin plug had to be rammed in a socket, it would not fit normally.
The car charger cradle did not charge and it took 5 emails before I got an acknowledgement that the power supply was faulty.
Sorry but really bad service from this lot. Will not usae them again.
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