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Our man in Bulgaria has his satnav stolen three times

Article by: Darren Griffin
Date: 12 Mar 2012

The British Ambassador to Bulgaria has fallen victim to a theft whilst visiting Plovdiv.

Jonathan Allen (@HMAJAllen) tweeted yesterday, "Bad end to a lovely day in #Plovdiv. Car window smashed & satnav stolen. Waiting with police now for forensics team."

He went on to add, "3rd time in six months this has happened. Twice in UK! Sigh."

Whilst he reports that Bulgarian Police were quick and professional, it might be time he considered not leaving his satnav, or any other valuables in his vehicle when unattended.

With theft of valuables from cars endemic in many countries, you should never leave your valuables on display in your car when you park. Always lock them in the boot or better still, take them with you.

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Posted by DennisN on Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:51 pm Reply with quote

Darren Wrote:
Whilst he reports that Bulgarian Police were quick and professional, it might be time he considered not leaving his satnav, or any other valuables in his vehicle when unattended.

But surely he should invoke diplomatic immunity to protect his satnav?


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by M8TJT on Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:08 pm Reply with quote

Three in three months? Ye Gods, what sort of plonker are we dishing out as ambasadors these days? Twice in UK as well Surprised . He looks a bit like Prof Hawkins, but obviously not as intellegent. Gun Shoot Out

Posted by DennisN on Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:13 pm Reply with quote

Yep - I think we can safely assume this is the guy you go to for advice on how to protect yourself and your property in Bulgaria!


If it tastes good - it's fattening.

Two of them are obesiting!!

Posted by C1man on Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:22 am Reply with quote

...bet he doesn't have to pay anything for repairs to his car or to replace the SatNav! Think the taxpayer should start asking him to pay as he is obviously incompetent!

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Posted by andy-c1 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:05 am Reply with quote

I bet he left it in full view of everyone to see instead of putting it away.I've had 1 for years and never had 1 stolen (touches wood) as I always put it away out of sight before I enter a car park

TomTom 5001

Posted by mmm-five on Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:34 am Reply with quote

What surprises me is that he hasn't been shot at yet, if my experience of Bulgaria is anything to go by.

Admittedly it's 10 years since I've been back (and have no plans to return), but on two family holidays we've been 'shot at' when leaving bars late at night.

Despite us and other guests reporting their similar experiences to the local police in Borovets & Pamporovo it didn't resolve anything - and the local police said it was just 'youths' having fun!!!

The hotel manager said something similar, but had a nervous grin on his face, and we found out a couple of days later that the there had been random shootings against British guest who were staying in the woodland cottages/chalets.

Luckily we were in a hotel on the edge of the woods and the hotel was not targeted specifically.

Posted by taits on Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:34 pm Reply with quote

A crook is just that a crook. If you dumb enough to leave them in plain sight you just became a statistic. After once you should have learned, twice, you need to rethink about it being someone you know if same car was involved, and 3 times, you need to keep it with you, change cars and stay out of that country.
Maybe get a paper map or atlas.
Possible your license plates for you; ImEZmrk, NavNsid, Navuser, takmynav.
All in fun but you can protect yourself.

Posted by Rozzaman on Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:04 pm Reply with quote

What a tool, and he's an ambassador. Most of us normal people wouldn't even leave it in there for a minute. Once is maybe an oversight but 3 times? Obviously no common sense

Posted by taits on Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:24 pm Reply with quote

OH, please give him a break, is a governmental official. Don't forget they "represent" our utmost concerns...
Now there is a real joke.

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